
In Aarchon there are 16 different classes that you may choose, all of which are available at the time of creation. Each class has some skills and/or spells that are shared with other classes, as well as its own unique skills and/or spells. Remember that the race you select may have a dramatic impact on you class, so do your research and choose wisely. Your race can be changed each remort -- your class is permanent.

Assassin Cleric Gladiator Gunslinger Illusionist
Mage Monk Necromancer Ninja Paladin
Ranger Samurai Templar Thief Warrior

Warriors represent the rank and file of those adventures who seek to solve problems by the application of direct physical force. Their field of expertise is, of course, weapons and combat skills, but they can also pick up some releated non-combat skills. Warriors advance quickly, even morso than their specialized combat-based counterparts.

Prime stat: Strength      Secondary stats: Constitution, Discipline

Warriors are relatively versatile as they have many combat skills, while possessing a few magical traits that Gladiators do not. They make good group leaders through the effective use of the leadership skills. Warriors tend not to be incredible PKillers however they can hold their own in most situations.

Some skills/spells that are (mostly) unique to the Warrior class are:

Blade Dance
Fatal Blow
Mass Combat
War Cry

Warrior Class Overview

Warriors have a reputation for their natural ability to lead and act as a tank for their groups. Their arsenal includes powerful offensive and defensive skills, along with a small grouping of magical spells, making them a truly versatile class.


Through the use of stances like blade dance and rage, Warriors are able to quickly boost their damage output. The war cry skill provides a substantial hitroll and damroll bonus to the warrior, and berserk puts the warrior into a frenzied state, boosting their damage by 20% at the cost of more moves per attack. Passive skills such as beheading and critical strike give the warrior an additional edge in combat. Last, warriors rely on their fatal blow skill to do extreme amounts of damage at the cost of movement points.


From a defensive perspective, Warriors have quite a few passive skills to provide aid. Iron Hide and Natural Resistance provide bonuses to armor class and saving throws. Mass Combat grants the warrior the ability to outmaneuver (dodge) their opponents when engaged in melee combat (fighting multiple enemies). Perhaps two of the warrior's most powerful defensive skills are guard, which reduces the number of attacks an enemy makes, and the aversion stance which tremendously increases a warrior's ability to dodge, parry, and block their opponent's attacks.

Role in Groups

Many times warriors are made the leader of their group due to the damage bonus they grant others with the passive leadership skill. Primarily fulfilling the duties of tanking, warriors are also gifted with the passive body guard skill, which increases their ability to automatically rescue members of their party who are being attacked.

Equipment Nuances

When acting as a tank, warriors can make a trade off to reduce damage but increase blocking ability. This is done by using a 1-handed weapon with a shield, as opposed to using a 2-handed weapon and shield or dual wielding. Using the percentages command you can see which combinations of weapons and shield offer the most effective blocking percentages. Any time a shield is used as a wrist shield, blocking abilities suffer.


A warrior who wants to focus on their defensive traits will benefit from mastering skills like shield block, dodge, and parry. Those who prefer to focus more on the offensive side of things might master critical strike, second attack, and third attack.

Other Concepts

With the ability to use nearly every type of weapon, warriors should review the help weapon details help file to determine which weapon will best suit them. Swords for example provide an increased chance to parry, while polearms increase melee ability.

# Name Level Race Remorts
1 Ithilius 100 dragonborn 10
2 Obadiah 100 behemoth 10
3 Oscon 100 behemoth 10
4 Veris 100 ettin 10
5 Tabasko 100 behemoth 10
6 Shotwell 93 warforged 10
7 Capashen 8 ettin 10
8 Ganon 99 vampire 9
9 Oscar 15 vampire 9
10 Sturm 98 phantom 8
11 Juhon 97 ahazu 7
12 Rufio 97 djinn 7
13 Salidus 97 ahazu 7
14 Tomoe 6 vampire 7
15 Ascad 96 doppelganger 6
16 Benzo 96 doppelganger 6
17 Peski 96 naga 6
18 Sheldon 96 vampire 6
19 Crimson 95 troll 5
20 Frank 95 naga 5
21 Tomas 95 doppelganger 5
22 Kaedia 47 cyborg 5
23 Lighten 94 minotaur 4
24 Ladydeath 47 sprite 4
25 Gothmog 93 myrddraal 3
26 Talithra 93 phreak 3
27 Tordril 93 cyclops 3
28 Ranjer 35 phreak 3
29 Krow 92 cyclops 2
30 Gorst 92 cyclops 2
31 Ramsey 68 mantis 2
32 Rasclaat 42 cyclops 2
33 Madmike 36 golem 2
34 Maklstrom 91 satyr 1
35 Tybaltyr 80 zombie 1
36 Brennus 73 centaur 1
37 Gobo 38 centaur 1
38 Conyn 35 khan 1
39 Almara 90 gimp 0
40 Animec 90 saurin 0
41 Curious 90 ogre 0
42 Dromedaris 90 hobbit 0
43 Eluldur 90 golem 0
44 Esox 90 troll 0
45 Fisk 90 golem 0
46 Franfreluche 90 gimp 0
47 Isha 90 golem 0
48 Kameel 90 hobbit 0
49 Kariya 90 gimp 0
50 Karnak 90 saurin 0
51 Keenan 90 golem 0
52 Kerwin 90 gimp 0
53 Kirouak 90 gimp 0
54 Kolodin 90 myrddraal 0
55 Korkan 90 troll 0
56 Leonidas 90 avian 0
57 Mishse 90 goblin 0
58 Morman 90 gimp 0
59 Muleone 90 gimp 0
60 Optimus 90 golem 0
61 Phalsar 90 human 0
62 Qwidesting 90 golem 0
63 Rwando 90 goblin 0
64 Salea 90 golem 0
65 Sinska 90 golem 0
66 Staerb 90 golem 0
67 Thargor 90 ogre 0
68 Tuvak 90 gimp 0
69 Umaga 90 golem 0
70 Valmar 90 troll 0
71 Vandros 90 gimp 0
72 Waffa 90 troll 0
73 Wyzantia 90 golem 0
74 Ylnarud 90 golem 0
75 Zabuka 90 gimp 0
76 Zarkonik 90 gimp 0
77 Zelak 90 gimp 0
78 Zorba 90 dwarf 0
79 Zorumpka 90 golem 0
80 Zumir 90 golem 0
81 Knotbrow 90 ogre 0
82 Mulisha 89 ogre 0
83 Dakka 88 troll 0
84 Tatonka 86 ogre 0
85 Armora 85 golem 0
86 Mandragor 82 myrddraal 0
87 Tenchu 78 troll 0
88 Deleon 78 goblin 0
89 Bobe 76 troll 0
90 Riptong 69 troll 0
91 Dirge 68 halfogre 0
92 Pugnax 65 dwarf 0
93 Osryn 64 mutant 0
94 Spyke 59 dwarf 0
95 Haka 58 gimp 0
96 Masuka 58 troll 0
97 Trialo 58 halfogre 0
98 Boromir 54 golem 0
99 Josheb 53 dwarf 0
100 Delith 48 saurin 0
101 Costa 46 dwarf 0
102 Valtheria 46 myrddraal 0
103 Zhangfei 44 drow 0
104 Gumbot 43 ogre 0
105 Janus 43 golem 0
106 Meier 40 golem 0
107 Myrkal 37 troll 0
108 Alaric 36 halfogre 0
109 Rella 36 saurin 0
110 Kragoth 35 halforc 0
111 Cerren 34 halforc 0
112 Chros 34 myrddraal 0
113 Ravis 34 troll 0
114 Donut 34 troll 0
115 Manheim 33 troll 0
116 Ahira 30 dwarf 0
117 Garrosh 30 myrddraal 0
118 Rhyno 29 drow 0
119 Freshskorax 28 ogre 0
120 Pryan 28 troll 0
121 Ariakus 27 myrddraal 0
122 Nidian 26 drow 0
123 Piki 26 troll 0
124 Thorgrym 25 golem 0
125 Fatali 24 dwarf 0
126 Fiddlesticks 23 ogre 0
127 Nyth 23 ogre 0
128 Adara 21 drow 0
129 Haramir 21 saurin 0
130 Doodled 21 human 0
131 Sumerilith 20 drow 0
132 Chazity 19 ogre 0
133 Dewnore 19 myrddraal 0
134 Sinclaire 19 human 0
135 Satsuriku 18 golem 0
136 Suldrek 18 drow 0
137 Whakeem 18 troll 0
138 Wodin 18 human 0
139 Kadzia 18 saurin 0
140 Anklebiter 18 dwarf 0
141 Gilgamesh 17 dwarf 0
142 Duddits 16 human 0
143 Grafenberg 16 goblin 0
144 Takatok 15 golem 0
145 Tophxu 15 ogre 0
146 Dantus 14 golem 0
147 Parzival 14 saurin 0
148 Tajai 14 golem 0
149 Airam 13 saurin 0
150 Snusnoot 12 golem 0
151 Gradok 11 troll 0
152 Nimpoo 11 saurin 0
153 Xvordan 11 troll 0
154 Antonn 11 dwarf 0
155 Gwinia 11 goblin 0
156 Alarick 10 goblin 0
157 Drogo 10 human 0
158 Gadwyn 10 golem 0
159 Gigio 10 saurin 0
160 Gushasad 10 troll 0
161 Ludac 10 golem 0
162 Ludaca 10 golem 0
163 Otaiko 10 troll 0
164 Phorbos 10 troll 0
165 Rizzler 10 mutant 0
166 Sansto 10 ogre 0
167 Serita 10 troll 0
168 Traeghan 10 ogre 0
169 Caron 10 halfogre 0
170 Brahn 9 ogre 0
171 Catari 9 myrddraal 0
172 Aleeana 8 dwarf 0
173 Dirac 8 saurin 0
174 Hakai 8 troll 0
175 Knirsh 8 golem 0
176 Kuhuk 8 golem 0
177 Marokai 8 troll 0
178 Rorik 8 golem 0
179 Shirohige 8 golem 0
180 Miseowhyn 7 dwarf 0
181 Rhodocki 7 troll 0
182 Roirraw 7 human 0
183 Sasha 7 human 0
184 Trison 7 ogre 0
185 Zaknafein 7 drow 0
186 Lawrence 7 dwarf 0
187 Ploaf 7 ogre 0
188 Bashem 6 troll 0
189 Blackfury 6 saurin 0
190 Caila 6 dwarf 0
191 Ciara 6 ogre 0
192 Delerak 6 human 0
193 Divada 6 drow 0
194 Elaena 6 avian 0
195 Kerris 6 human 0
196 Losira 6 ogre 0
197 Nevaw 6 human 0
198 Scrafton 6 drow 0
199 Shinichi 6 myrddraal 0
200 Sinlar 6 troll 0
201 Zandovar 6 golem 0
202 Fredislav 6 dwarf 0
203 Arandir 6 troll 0
204 Virmir 6 golem 0
205 Drakon 5 ogre 0
206 Ishian 5 saurin 0
207 Katauk 5 ogre 0
208 Opioc 5 goblin 0
209 Rew 5 human 0
210 Spawt 5 dwarf 0
211 Vlarien 5 human 0
212 Xarec 5 ogre 0
213 Ydra 5 troll 0
214 Istarra 5 ogre 0
215 Jivar 5 saurin 0
216 Crypsis 4 human 0
217 Jstoretwo 4 golem 0
218 Kaedric 4 human 0
219 Lemnos 4 ogre 0
220 Malrazi 4 troll 0
221 Nevanil 4 saurin 0
222 Tiamatt 4 saurin 0
223 Kion 4 elf 0
224 Aerion 3 halfogre 0
225 Daeric 3 human 0
226 Kobe 3 drow 0
227 Nordaken 3 human 0
228 Noxin 3 ogre 0
229 Romman 3 human 0
230 Splurge 3 myrddraal 0
231 Strohhalm 3 drow 0
232 Taikairo 3 ogre 0
233 Wigter 3 human 0
234 Koggle 3 saurin 0
235 Kairi 3 golem 0
236 Champripper 2 troll 0
237 Drakuru 2 drow 0
238 Grarg 2 troll 0
239 Hazmat 2 saurin 0
240 Horc 2 human 0
241 Hubert 2 human 0
242 Nimgvae 2 ogre 0
243 Rashak 2 saurin 0
244 Sogatuf 2 ogre 0
245 Terisa 2 human 0
246 Zorgan 2 human 0
247 Sman 2 dwarf 0
248 Serena 2 human 0
249 Osaidmaster 2 human 0
250 Digitiss 2 human 0
251 Wyldd 2 halfelf 0
252 Kron 2 mutant 0
253 Aeron 1 human 0
254 Akaya 1 ogre 0
255 Aethyn 1 human 0
256 Aldaric 1 myrddraal 0
257 Alice 1 troll 0
258 Archelion 1 halfogre 0
259 Arien 1 troll 0
260 Arky 1 drow 0
261 Atazs 1 human 0
262 Autea 1 human 0
263 Baasch 1 drow 0
264 Balkr 1 troll 0
265 Beezow 1 goblin 0
266 Berzerk 1 ogre 0
267 Binny 1 saurin 0
268 Bjolnir 1 human 0
269 Bluedirkje 1 human 0
270 Bojan 1 saurin 0
271 Boombastik 1 dwarf 0
272 Brondo 1 troll 0
273 Brotherman 1 ogre 0
274 Capybare 1 avian 0
275 Cavinaar 1 human 0
276 Cerita 1 troll 0
277 Raoul 1 human 0
278 Chronxir 1 human 0
279 Ciri 1 dwarf 0
280 Clarion 1 drow 0
281 Conifer 1 human 0
282 Cullinane 1 human 0
283 Darum 1 saurin 0
284 Diaz 1 human 0
285 Dorak 1 troll 0
286 Dsad 1 halforc 0
287 Enzo 1 human 0
288 Filip 1 myrddraal 0
289 Gardoc 1 human 0
290 Gardok 1 human 0
291 Guff 1 troll 0
292 Hephaestusgg 1 halforc 0
293 Hj 1 halfogre 0
294 Howel 1 human 0
295 Imua 1 saurin 0
296 Jaamie 1 human 0
297 Joanna 1 drow 0
298 Jralex 1 drow 0
299 Keashi 1 troll 0
300 Kilop 1 avian 0
301 Kingalex 1 human 0
302 Kogtehvost 1 human 0
303 Koon 1 halforc 0
304 Korber 1 ogre 0
305 Kormak 1 human 0
306 Grognak 1 human 0
307 Kris 1 human 0
308 Kurz 1 myrddraal 0
309 Kyrix 1 human 0
310 Lachdanan 1 goblin 0
311 Landin 1 dwarf 0
312 Leonna 1 human 0
313 Lexson 1 ogre 0
314 Libia 1 human 0
315 Liros 1 human 0
316 Luggage 1 troll 0
317 Mangekyo 1 troll 0
318 Marsovac 1 human 0
319 Meuh 1 goblin 0
320 Milkandpugs 1 drow 0
321 Mishlen 1 troll 0
322 Nerghuk 1 ogre 0
323 Olap 1 dwarf 0
324 Oliver 1 human 0
325 Olo 1 human 0
326 Plutonium 1 human 0
327 Prool 1 human 0
328 Quetzalcoatl 1 human 0
329 Radebrecht 1 dwarf 0
330 Rahl 1 dwarf 0
331 Raru 1 drow 0
332 Reichtor 1 elf 0
333 Reliix 1 saurin 0
334 Reloka 1 golem 0
335 Remmah 1 halfogre 0
336 Rettic 1 dwarf 0
337 Changusto 1 hobbit 0
338 Rica 1 golem 0
339 Rytlock 1 ogre 0
340 Saahriktu 1 human 0
341 Saerenity 1 pixie 0
342 Scott 1 human 0
343 Seconddag 1 drow 0
344 Severn 1 dwarf 0
345 Sherazod 1 human 0
346 Sinew 1 mutant 0
347 Suellen 1 human 0
348 Taggard 1 myrddraal 0
349 Taka 1 drow 0
350 Tarthuta 1 saurin 0
351 Tilarion 1 human 0
352 Trogg 1 ogre 0
353 Ushnard 1 dwarf 0
354 Vierdz 1 saurin 0
355 Vladdic 1 human 0
356 Waba 1 dwarf 0
357 Warpig 1 myrddraal 0
358 Wylf 1 ogre 0
359 Xaeronohn 1 troll 0
360 Xianmao 1 human 0
361 Xiena 1 drow 0
362 Zac 1 human 0
363 Zakkari 1 human 0
364 Ybn 1 human 0
365 Zugg 1 ogre 0
366 Skorpion 1 human 0
367 Borok 1 dwarf 0
368 Osmo 1 human 0
369 Borog 1 dwarf 0
370 Dorok 1 dwarf 0
371 Ting 1 saurin 0
372 Alberich 1 halfelf 0
373 Krugg 1 human 0
374 Hatwox 1 human 0
375 Arrowcacher 1 drow 0
376 Zahalla 1 human 0
377 Blaineargon 1 human 0
378 Teki 1 dwarf 0
379 Kilek 1 saurin 0
380 Dunder 1 human 0
381 Thanor 1 halforc 0
382 Pawel 1 ogre 0
383 Deken 1 elf 0
384 Testzerocha 1 myrddraal 0
385 Wyrnthal 1 golem 0
386 Kormek 1 human 0
387 Kaleg 1 human 0
388 Kelleko 1 human 0
389 Vavan 1 human 0
390 Elissa 1 dwarf 0
391 Kellko 1 dwarf 0
392 Tharn 1 human 0
393 Bergal 1 dwarf 0
394 Negatroyd 1 human 0
395 Skrypp 1 dwarf 0
396 Tyro 1 human 0
397 Morbin 1 goblin 0
398 Winnie 1 human 0
399 Adaran 1 myrddraal 0
400 Alaron 1 halforc 0
401 Tharic 1 human 0
402 Daramir 1 troll 0
403 Cjmnz 1 leprechaun 0
404 Goldmoon 1 human 0
405 Mudmaster 1 elf 0
406 Anternis 1 golem 0