
In Aarchon there are 16 different classes that you may choose, all of which are available at the time of creation. Each class has some skills and/or spells that are shared with other classes, as well as its own unique skills and/or spells. Remember that the race you select may have a dramatic impact on you class, so do your research and choose wisely. Your race can be changed each remort -- your class is permanent.

Assassin Cleric Gladiator Gunslinger Illusionist
Mage Monk Necromancer Ninja Paladin
Ranger Samurai Templar Thief Warrior

Gunslingers adapt to almost any situation ... As long as it is in reach of a gun. Gunslingers begin their careers fairly helpless but towards the upper levels they achieve the ultimate mastery of their chosen weapons, and more than a little wisdom about the ways of the world. Before their journeys are through, they learn not only how to handle a gun, but also numerous crucial survival skills.

Prime stat: Luck      Secondary stats: Dexterity, Constitution

Gunslingers are one of Aarchon's only modernesque classes, and possess many modern gun skills including snipe and aim. Their ability to damage mobs is surpassed by none, however they tend to lack in defense.

Some skills/spells that are (mostly) unique to the Gunslinger class are:

Drunken Fury
Set Snare
Target Practice

# Name Level Race Remorts
1 Bombadil 100 mummy 10
2 Korben 100 ettin 10
3 Marco 100 quickling 10
4 Mircenary 100 revenant 10
5 Nova 100 revenant 10
6 Cevar 7 doppelganger 10
7 Katarina 99 ettin 9
8 Oburi 99 ettin 9
9 Xade 99 ettin 9
10 Xizaan 99 vampire 9
11 Sakone 99 ettin 9
12 Esthoril 98 djinn 8
13 Koduza 98 vampire 8
14 Alexandra 97 ahazu 7
15 Candeloro 97 djinn 7
16 Chrono 97 ahazu 7
17 Eragon 97 ahazu 7
18 Jander 97 ahazu 7
19 Lancelot 97 ahazu 7
20 Seregdae 97 ahazu 7
21 Norreen 95 ahazu 7
22 Tydus 44 gargoyle 7
23 Skyler 1 gargoyle 7
24 Exodus 96 cyborg 6
25 Martha 96 sprite 6
26 Mikhail 96 vampire 6
27 Starscream 96 cyborg 6
28 Trump 96 gholam 6
29 Valek 96 gholam 6
30 Danark 87 frost-giant 6
31 Lorien 41 phreak 6
32 Coffee 8 vampire 6
33 Diplos 95 doppelganger 5
34 Draiko 95 doppelganger 5
35 Ellis 95 phreak 5
36 Jasrisen 95 doppelganger 5
37 Qualand 95 doppelganger 5
38 Sune 95 werewolf 5
39 Tash 95 cyborg 5
40 Zeroman 95 sprite 5
41 Bombtrack 65 werewolf 5
42 FuzzHead 61 wraith 5
43 Schijthoos 46 wraith 5
44 Bambam 94 minotaur 4
45 Eight 94 minotaur 4
46 Sabrite 94 cyborg 4
47 Scorn 94 cyborg 4
48 Ramsay 83 minotaur 4
49 Sterling 75 werewolf 4
50 Glacitus 65 wisp 4
51 Limdul 60 wisp 4
52 Jonax 41 cyborg 4
53 Komen 33 cyborg 4
54 Turgon 30 cyborg 4
55 Aira 23 drider 4
56 Oreb 93 drider 3
57 Vleesknots 92 skaven 2
58 Fedge 89 martian 2
59 Bonnie 84 skaven 2
60 Vior 82 highelf 2
61 Dyne 53 martian 2
62 Kazuya 26 highelf 2
63 Kair 71 gimp 1
64 Vizjerei 50 satyr 1
65 Geodon 32 gimp 1
66 Hardin 32 hobbit 1
67 Phedre 17 satyr 1
68 Uzgle 9 leprechaun 1
69 Cameron 8 centaur 1
70 Ruckus 6 mutant 1
71 Kishon 1 zombie 1
72 Abel 90 saurin 0
73 Adina 90 myrddraal 0
74 Anasati 90 dwarf 0
75 Arucard 90 human 0
76 Ashley 90 dwarf 0
77 Boaz 90 leprechaun 0
78 Chancoco 90 pixie 0
79 Dineth 90 leprechaun 0
80 Eastwood 90 gimp 0
81 Hussey 90 leprechaun 0
82 Ishmael 90 leprechaun 0
83 Kama 90 gimp 0
84 Keres 90 myrddraal 0
85 Kuval 90 leprechaun 0
86 Metalian 90 gimp 0
87 Onisay 90 gimp 0
88 Pepper 90 saurin 0
89 Seifert 90 leprechaun 0
90 Shaithis 90 saurin 0
91 Sufjan 90 hobbit 0
92 Tarl 90 troll 0
93 Trigun 90 leprechaun 0
94 Ningly 90 troll 0
95 Noger 90 troll 0
96 Zapper 90 troll 0
97 Botero 89 troll 0
98 Turnela 86 leprechaun 0
99 Zeno 86 leprechaun 0
100 Tekz 82 mutant 0
101 Cirren 80 leprechaun 0
102 Sarafina 79 myrddraal 0
103 Jeremiah 75 hobbit 0
104 Karnok 72 saurin 0
105 Nina 72 goblin 0
106 Kubis 70 myrddraal 0
107 Greef 69 mutant 0
108 Marrad 68 leprechaun 0
109 Shiro 66 leprechaun 0
110 Vidar 59 mutant 0
111 Downtobrown 58 hobbit 0
112 Miverek 58 gimp 0
113 Gunsj 57 leprechaun 0
114 Honzelia 57 golem 0
115 Juncer 57 gimp 0
116 Nrokoup 57 gimp 0
117 Pimeska 57 gimp 0
118 Klopqar 56 gimp 0
119 Lunpizon 56 gimp 0
120 Strutnik 56 gimp 0
121 Ternkei 56 gimp 0
122 Gilthas 55 halforc 0
123 Jonas 52 human 0
124 Lithana 52 drow 0
125 Caerka 51 golem 0
126 Eleazar 51 golem 0
127 Mayanna 49 leprechaun 0
128 Ormus 49 leprechaun 0
129 Clay 48 leprechaun 0
130 Ookami 48 avian 0
131 Shlence 47 dwarf 0
132 Danyelle 46 hobbit 0
133 Hathcock 46 leprechaun 0
134 Matdap 45 leprechaun 0
135 Cagney 44 leprechaun 0
136 Hammerlock 44 leprechaun 0
137 Apenimon 43 leprechaun 0
138 Bratier 39 hobbit 0
139 Adamros 38 halforc 0
140 Atlas 35 myrddraal 0
141 Silvas 35 hobbit 0
142 Zre 35 leprechaun 0
143 Alset 34 halforc 0
144 Ellcrys 34 hobbit 0
145 Fingon 33 leprechaun 0
146 Lyron 33 goblin 0
147 Maledicta 32 leprechaun 0
148 Vitro 32 mutant 0
149 Valhalla 31 saurin 0
150 Dors 30 goblin 0
151 Vash 30 mutant 0
152 Phyrus 29 drow 0
153 Agatheususus 28 leprechaun 0
154 Tookaywun 28 goblin 0
155 Christian 27 gimp 0
156 Rhydertrask 27 drow 0
157 Rikus 27 mutant 0
158 Whoudt 27 leprechaun 0
159 Daxz 27 drow 0
160 Drahct 26 leprechaun 0
161 Osus 26 hobbit 0
162 Eliwen 26 myrddraal 0
163 Aurelia 25 leprechaun 0
164 Fredrick 25 human 0
165 Lumina 24 saurin 0
166 Tsadakiel 23 leprechaun 0
167 Ningimbly 22 gimp 0
168 Cuthbert 21 dwarf 0
169 Hanym 21 hobbit 0
170 Cazir 21 hobbit 0
171 Chame 20 leprechaun 0
172 Iphigenea 20 leprechaun 0
173 Kalidra 20 human 0
174 Wormy 20 leprechaun 0
175 Zeitgeist 20 leprechaun 0
176 Clement 19 saurin 0
177 Najdorf 19 leprechaun 0
178 Notch 19 leprechaun 0
179 Brogre 18 halforc 0
180 Tidge 18 hobbit 0
181 Tobh 18 dwarf 0
182 Gimptong 17 leprechaun 0
183 Hock 15 leprechaun 0
184 Igamu 15 myrddraal 0
185 Kreton 15 mutant 0
186 Urza 15 hobbit 0
187 Velkar 15 hobbit 0
188 Arastina 14 hobbit 0
189 Ayus 14 human 0
190 Brawndel 14 saurin 0
191 Malkor 14 leprechaun 0
192 Shira 14 leprechaun 0
193 Brahmus 13 human 0
194 Chevin 13 saurin 0
195 Godo 13 goblin 0
196 Hydali 13 leprechaun 0
197 Lyeit 13 leprechaun 0
198 Arnald 13 saurin 0
199 Arcterus 12 hobbit 0
200 Belmont 11 leprechaun 0
201 Chrysania 11 saurin 0
202 Cyron 11 human 0
203 Grennet 11 human 0
204 Kabul 11 leprechaun 0
205 Loopen 11 leprechaun 0
206 Taltos 11 leprechaun 0
207 Arctus 10 saurin 0
208 Caelum 10 leprechaun 0
209 Diggle 10 leprechaun 0
210 Gosin 10 goblin 0
211 Jafo 10 leprechaun 0
212 Komachi 10 human 0
213 Sepulchral 10 saurin 0
214 Takoz 10 hobbit 0
215 Dexima 10 leprechaun 0
216 Auraun 9 myrddraal 0
217 Dammsel 9 leprechaun 0
218 Declan 9 leprechaun 0
219 Dereck 9 leprechaun 0
220 Gunz 9 gimp 0
221 Iliana 9 leprechaun 0
222 Jorik 9 saurin 0
223 Lush 9 leprechaun 0
224 Ragna 9 human 0
225 Raizen 9 mutant 0
226 Rasin 9 leprechaun 0
227 Sandmann 9 troll 0
228 Shindo 9 human 0
229 Slinghu 9 leprechaun 0
230 Weng 9 leprechaun 0
231 Zeddicus 9 leprechaun 0
232 Kayron 9 leprechaun 0
233 Demachi 9 goblin 0
234 Darlana 9 leprechaun 0
235 Grayle 8 saurin 0
236 Ixchel 8 leprechaun 0
237 Kuma 8 saurin 0
238 Lloronsito 8 gimp 0
239 Pablo 8 dwarf 0
240 Rakhir 8 leprechaun 0
241 Terrence 8 human 0
242 Valas 8 drow 0
243 Vorin 8 human 0
244 Lobert 8 mutant 0
245 Kronus 8 human 0
246 Dante 7 myrddraal 0
247 Django 7 dwarf 0
248 Laras 7 leprechaun 0
249 Peco 7 leprechaun 0
250 Rimiya 7 human 0
251 Rindase 7 leprechaun 0
252 Silioi 7 human 0
253 Uthok 7 drow 0
254 Vuler 7 leprechaun 0
255 Wykow 7 dwarf 0
256 Xeath 7 saurin 0
257 Aesop 7 drow 0
258 Akthari 6 goblin 0
259 Algaron 6 avian 0
260 Asil 6 leprechaun 0
261 Catgofire 6 drow 0
262 Chrona 6 avian 0
263 Derfius 6 drow 0
264 Flixur 6 leprechaun 0
265 Garnon 6 saurin 0
266 Gimpy 6 gimp 0
267 Halsian 6 leprechaun 0
268 Jiordyn 6 drow 0
269 Kotoku 6 leprechaun 0
270 Lynch 6 myrddraal 0
271 Mahi 6 goblin 0
272 Nikolai 6 leprechaun 0
273 Nurian 6 drow 0
274 Penulba 6 saurin 0
275 Razzle 6 leprechaun 0
276 Syncre 6 human 0
277 Verasyn 6 saurin 0
278 Wyatt 6 human 0
279 Zando 6 drow 0
280 Arkiduca 5 saurin 0
281 Bearded 5 human 0
282 Clossa 5 saurin 0
283 Cpthebatman 5 elf 0
284 Dumonde 5 halfelf 0
285 Forenz 5 saurin 0
286 Gleor 5 human 0
287 Grzehoo 5 saurin 0
288 Jeanpaul 5 human 0
289 Mccray 5 human 0
290 Solo 5 human 0
291 Sylis 5 mutant 0
292 Visovau 5 saurin 0
293 Zyphorul 5 human 0
294 Striker 5 human 0
295 Arcturus 5 human 0
296 Jessibe 5 leprechaun 0
297 Chiki 5 mutant 0
298 Alix 4 pixie 0
299 Alathon 4 leprechaun 0
300 Dorito 4 human 0
301 Dovakiin 4 halfelf 0
302 Goolag 4 human 0
303 Sohlman 4 human 0
304 Timang 4 human 0
305 Tracekeith 4 elf 0
306 Xaj 4 saurin 0
307 Xanthas 4 human 0
308 Zofty 4 human 0
309 Liukang 4 human 0
310 Semarg 4 leprechaun 0
311 Trogun 4 troll 0
312 Troa 4 leprechaun 0
313 Blackhock 3 leprechaun 0
314 Cptdeathwing 3 drow 0
315 Junji 3 drow 0
316 Lanthran 3 human 0
317 Nillod 3 halfelf 0
318 Rohan 3 human 0
319 Ryker 3 human 0
320 Stretchnoth 3 saurin 0
321 Taroll 3 goblin 0
322 Varin 3 leprechaun 0
323 Wyldyr 3 myrddraal 0
324 Baggun 3 myrddraal 0
325 Callypso 3 saurin 0
326 Amarinhya 2 myrddraal 0
327 Arkangelsk 2 golem 0
328 Cromley 2 human 0
329 Darynth 2 drow 0
330 Exhox 2 goblin 0
331 Ezlev 2 saurin 0
332 Kaari 2 pixie 0
333 Kirsla 2 human 0
334 Kross 2 hobbit 0
335 Noxirius 2 drow 0
336 Siberian 2 leprechaun 0
337 Sice 2 halfelf 0
338 Skeijia 2 pixie 0
339 Squemch 2 goblin 0
340 Syron 2 goblin 0
341 Zarius 2 human 0
342 Lanceywancy 2 halfelf 0
343 Chroma 2 human 0
344 Alduin 1 hobbit 0
345 Adiados 1 saurin 0
346 Agadtha 1 myrddraal 0
347 Alixandra 1 leprechaun 0
348 Archos 1 halforc 0
349 Thaladin 1 elf 0
350 Beowulffz 1 drow 0
351 Caien 1 halfelf 0
352 Canjo 1 saurin 0
353 Corlin 1 drow 0
354 Crince 1 human 0
355 Deiss 1 human 0
356 Demthon 1 human 0
357 Dingus 1 halforc 0
358 Dordur 1 drow 0
359 Dragos 1 hobbit 0
360 Drendit 1 halfelf 0
361 Fennec 1 halfelf 0
362 Frazzzles 1 drow 0
363 Furi 1 human 0
364 Gemcore 1 saurin 0
365 Glizbix 1 pixie 0
366 Gorganzo 1 saurin 0
367 Harryclam 1 saurin 0
368 Honza 1 hobbit 0
369 Indicus 1 human 0
370 Inkaarin 1 halfelf 0
371 Itstony 1 saurin 0
372 Jefry 1 halfelf 0
373 Jym 1 human 0
374 Kalijin 1 myrddraal 0
375 Kappo 1 human 0
376 Kemon 1 saurin 0
377 Khor 1 leprechaun 0
378 Kolton 1 drow 0
379 Konnorh 1 mutant 0
380 Kusanage 1 elf 0
381 Lambert 1 elf 0
382 Lardek 1 human 0
383 Maice 1 saurin 0
384 Marst 1 human 0
385 Maylari 1 drow 0
386 Mcclay 1 leprechaun 0
387 Monskey 1 myrddraal 0
388 Moohad 1 human 0
389 Mushussu 1 saurin 0
390 Namine 1 hobbit 0
391 Nyewchyn 1 gimp 0
392 Obscuurm 1 human 0
393 Orogor 1 leprechaun 0
394 Osgood 1 drow 0
395 Payle 1 halfelf 0
396 Plamzi 1 leprechaun 0
397 Ramosam 1 drow 0
398 Reco 1 human 0
399 Regnork 1 drow 0
400 Renaku 1 troll 0
401 Reneo 1 avian 0
402 Rheingold 1 saurin 0
403 Rowenknight 1 leprechaun 0
404 Rrrrr 1 elf 0
405 Sabritez 1 human 0
406 Sadey 1 halfelf 0
407 Salyne 1 human 0
408 Scrabb 1 myrddraal 0
409 Sehni 1 mutant 0
410 Shaan 1 human 0
411 Shlapang 1 saurin 0
412 Sophist 1 saurin 0
413 Sortus 1 saurin 0
414 Stehl 1 halfelf 0
415 Tecnomancer 1 saurin 0
416 Testng 1 ogre 0
417 Teylonn 1 mutant 0
418 Thagmar 1 hobbit 0
419 Theresa 1 goblin 0
420 Tilo 1 human 0
421 Totaro 1 golem 0
422 Trolol 1 ogre 0
423 Tsal 1 halfelf 0
424 Vagan 1 avian 0
425 Vahn 1 leprechaun 0
426 Valadros 1 human 0
427 Varu 1 human 0
428 Varys 1 human 0
429 Vexilte 1 halfelf 0
430 Visov 1 saurin 0
431 Wigglebitch 1 myrddraal 0
432 Wrenwulf 1 leprechaun 0
433 Zlatus 1 human 0
434 Zuul 1 saurin 0
435 Zypher 1 avian 0
436 Mclovinok 1 dwarf 0
437 Yothle 1 leprechaun 0
438 Quanchi 1 human 0
439 Raiyth 1 myrddraal 0
440 Engel 1 leprechaun 0
441 Bigus 1 drow 0
442 Burt 1 avian 0
443 Ragadir 1 saurin 0
444 Dubba 1 goblin 0
445 Toritavi 1 goblin 0
446 Hemlokk 1 human 0
447 Tigerius 1 saurin 0
448 Tesla 1 myrddraal 0
449 Cryogunner 1 mutant 0
450 Totoro 1 drow 0
451 Emptores 1 drow 0
452 Yashriak 1 leprechaun 0