
In Aarchon there are 16 different classes that you may choose, all of which are available at the time of creation. Each class has some skills and/or spells that are shared with other classes, as well as its own unique skills and/or spells. Remember that the race you select may have a dramatic impact on you class, so do your research and choose wisely. Your race can be changed each remort -- your class is permanent.

Assassin Cleric Gladiator Gunslinger Illusionist
Mage Monk Necromancer Ninja Paladin
Ranger Samurai Templar Thief Warrior

Paladins are holy warriors and crusaders. They are as stubborn as they are devout and often develop their own peculiar ideas about the religion they are professing. Paladins sometimes generate these ideas from visions they receive while in altered mental states. Paladins are unfailingly egocentric. This is what set them on the career path that they're on, as opposed to simply joining the military or clergy. They often make themselves out as prophets or even gods, and more or less believe this delusion. The culmination of the Paladin Syndrome is a powerful warrior with divine gifts, making a truly formidable foe to the forces of evil.

Prime stat: Charisma      Secondary stats: Wisdom, Strength

Paladins are a hybrid between a warrior and a cleric, similar to Templar. The primary difference between a Paladin and a Templar is that Paladins have better combat skills and less powerful healing magic. Skills suchs as Blade Dance, Two-Handed Weapons, and Heal make them versatile in any situation.

Some skills/spells that are (mostly) unique to the Paladin class are:

Blade Dance
Firewitch's Seance
Rimbol's Invocation
Siva's Sacrifice
Smote's Anachronism
Swayde's Mercy
Vampire Hunting
Werewolf Hunting
Witch Hunting
Wrist Shield

# Name Level Race Remorts
1 Emil 100 rakshasa 10
2 Ghengis 100 rakshasa 10
3 Loden 100 archon 10
4 Psychosis 100 vampire 10
5 Saldo 100 behemoth 10
6 Zan 100 dragonborn 10
7 Zut 100 behemoth 10
8 Lodtest 100 rakshasa 10
9 Andrea 25 quickling 10
10 Ordaron 99 phantom 9
11 Quincy 99 rakshasa 9
12 Virspera 99 titan 9
13 Akillo 18 phantom 9
14 Drahmin 98 titan 8
15 Enkara 98 naiad 8
16 Muerte 98 android 8
17 Xenden 98 titan 8
18 Gerhad 75 vampire 8
19 Chandra 97 ahazu 7
20 Danarc 97 gargoyle 7
21 Dayna 97 ahazu 7
22 Leir 97 djinn 7
23 Russ 97 ahazu 7
24 Sana 97 frost-giant 7
25 Theoden 97 ahazu 7
26 Xanthos 97 vampire 7
27 Archangel 96 vampire 6
28 Bryan 96 minotaur 6
29 Excell 96 doppelganger 6
30 Goldy 96 frost-giant 6
31 Greenish 96 frost-giant 6
32 Memnoch 96 vampire 6
33 Myopia 96 frost-giant 6
34 Nargoth 85 frost-giant 6
35 Aldon 63 gholam 6
36 Akira 95 minotaur 5
37 Kueh 95 naga 5
38 Kurai 95 treant 5
39 Lothar 95 naga 5
40 Rahvin 95 naga 5
41 Rasheed 95 doppelganger 5
42 Toejam 95 minotaur 5
43 Xellas 95 wraith 5
44 Azreal 94 minotaur 4
45 Xayla 94 mermaid 4
46 Ryland 93 mantis 4
47 Jacko 88 minotaur 4
48 Patgren 67 minotaur 4
49 Octavia 35 minotaur 4
50 Shalor 93 phreak 3
51 Phatticus 38 mantis 3
52 Darvan 15 dunedain 3
53 Ary 92 highelf 2
54 Filcher 92 mantis 2
55 Seferon 92 mantis 2
56 Korv 92 leprechaun 2
57 Pumgar 90 leprechaun 2
58 Rayjuken 64 highelf 2
59 Simralyn 41 dunedain 2
60 Jayde 40 dunedain 2
61 Hibachi 91 zombie 1
62 Dnarl 82 troll 1
63 Escobar 72 amazon 1
64 Slowpoke 70 leprechaun 1
65 Zeda 64 centaur 1
66 Terathiel 15 orc 1
67 Adinapl 90 saurin 0
68 Arcamedis 90 avian 0
69 Crone 90 dwarf 0
70 Dranier 90 gimp 0
71 Fingalion 90 leprechaun 0
72 Grulian 90 avian 0
73 Jynn 90 gimp 0
74 Kothar 90 golem 0
75 Rhea 90 human 0
76 Rinus 90 myrddraal 0
77 Rubech 90 halfelf 0
78 Tarun 90 elf 0
79 Vladimir 90 avian 0
80 Vlonyrd 90 human 0
81 Zesah 90 saurin 0
82 Janco 90 human 0
83 Gurdrick 90 halfogre 0
84 Umthoi 90 drow 0
85 Societte 90 pixie 0
86 Kharas 86 halfelf 0
87 Riolado 84 human 0
88 Eillapiv 83 gimp 0
89 Chackal 75 human 0
90 Enya 73 avian 0
91 Phaith 71 dwarf 0
92 Aibhely 69 dwarf 0
93 Draknir 61 dwarf 0
94 Gowen 59 halforc 0
95 Alystar 57 human 0
96 Daedros 48 elf 0
97 Lemew 48 myrddraal 0
98 Casule 46 myrddraal 0
99 Fontaine 46 human 0
100 Raelch 46 ogre 0
101 Malveux 43 avian 0
102 Abrecan 36 human 0
103 Usul 36 avian 0
104 Abaue 35 human 0
105 Azazel 33 avian 0
106 Davkas 33 human 0
107 Kira 32 drow 0
108 Oman 32 human 0
109 Lyskriger 28 dwarf 0
110 Telamon 28 halfelf 0
111 Astle 27 human 0
112 Jareth 27 troll 0
113 Syrilia 27 human 0
114 Zuthenlu 25 drow 0
115 Hoobah 24 mutant 0
116 Slyrm 24 human 0
117 Zopok 24 human 0
118 Tobiichi 23 drow 0
119 Tyriel 23 human 0
120 Chekhu 22 halfelf 0
121 Blackhair 20 avian 0
122 Fulgrim 20 dwarf 0
123 Mastermind 20 halfelf 0
124 Karn 19 human 0
125 Osen 19 halfogre 0
126 Nogaruk 18 gimp 0
127 Miriema 17 avian 0
128 Branton 15 human 0
129 Helios 14 myrddraal 0
130 Isaghella 13 human 0
131 Normile 13 human 0
132 Aarybis 12 avian 0
133 Barbatos 12 myrddraal 0
134 Pizarro 12 human 0
135 Saphia 12 myrddraal 0
136 Huangzhong 12 elf 0
137 Honourine 11 human 0
138 Ixsgrit 11 elf 0
139 Lark 11 human 0
140 Nefertina 11 avian 0
141 Rouland 11 human 0
142 Sheera 11 human 0
143 Tabernathy 11 myrddraal 0
144 Armand 10 myrddraal 0
145 Damita 10 avian 0
146 Rurox 10 saurin 0
147 Silvarn 10 human 0
148 Asdis 9 saurin 0
149 Deadros 9 leprechaun 0
150 Dugar 9 myrddraal 0
151 Keagan 9 saurin 0
152 Qryss 9 human 0
153 Fini 9 avian 0
154 Oddeye 9 elf 0
155 Zalla 9 pixie 0
156 Azaan 8 human 0
157 Kian 8 human 0
158 Muggo 8 human 0
159 Sarik 8 leprechaun 0
160 Whisksta 8 hobbit 0
161 Xia 8 leprechaun 0
162 Argyi 7 halfelf 0
163 Fayze 7 saurin 0
164 Glandor 7 dwarf 0
165 Ilyzaelle 7 avian 0
166 Kara 7 human 0
167 Nyree 7 drow 0
168 Shenandoah 7 gimp 0
169 Chido 7 human 0
170 Callum 7 human 0
171 Aefur 6 avian 0
172 Akroma 6 human 0
173 Beorg 6 human 0
174 Chapo 6 troll 0
175 Dentsu 6 dwarf 0
176 Faala 6 elf 0
177 Garis 6 avian 0
178 Lordgarth 6 human 0
179 Mikalus 6 human 0
180 Moonshine 6 gimp 0
181 Pinchu 6 saurin 0
182 Rorne 6 dwarf 0
183 Tyrael 6 human 0
184 Xiafu 6 human 0
185 Stimpack 6 dwarf 0
186 Tokihasha 6 drow 0
187 Banner 6 dwarf 0
188 Rakkicr 5 dwarf 0
189 Whiteheart 5 halfelf 0
190 Parthanax 4 saurin 0
191 Rowan 4 human 0
192 Shanelevy 4 halfelf 0
193 Knoffinator 4 elf 0
194 Djeezy 4 troll 0
195 Eowug 3 ogre 0
196 Awnom 3 troll 0
197 Starblood 3 troll 0
198 Praska 3 halfelf 0
199 Lonnus 3 human 0
200 Gahojan 3 troll 0
201 Belak 2 dwarf 0
202 Calius 2 human 0
203 Elimeteris 2 ogre 0
204 Eulik 2 human 0
205 Gimric 2 human 0
206 Mathetes 2 halfogre 0
207 Morzenspake 2 human 0
208 Nazella 2 human 0
209 Pamplina 2 drow 0
210 Tomula 2 saurin 0
211 Venessa 2 pixie 0
212 Vilja 2 human 0
213 Vulkik 2 human 0
214 Alarik 2 drow 0
215 Zun 2 human 0
216 Akaniras 1 avian 0
217 Arathor 1 avian 0
218 Archelous 1 saurin 0
219 Asdlfkja 1 saurin 0
220 Azril 1 human 0
221 Bloopbleep 1 dwarf 0
222 Caminus 1 human 0
223 Cthugha 1 avian 0
224 Dartagnan 1 leprechaun 0
225 Drakkham 1 human 0
226 Ellimist 1 saurin 0
227 Ffa 1 human 0
228 Gerugon 1 human 0
229 Goliathon 1 drow 0
230 Jalis 1 human 0
231 Karain 1 human 0
232 Paladinnial 1 human 0
233 Knoxx 1 avian 0
234 Ladriel 1 human 0
235 Leeroy 1 human 0
236 Mudface 1 human 0
237 Musselmut 1 ogre 0
238 Naror 1 human 0
239 Noah 1 halfogre 0
240 Nokzilla 1 ogre 0
241 Omar 1 mutant 0
242 Oscuro 1 saurin 0
243 Piptong 1 elf 0
244 Psykonurse 1 human 0
245 Qoh 1 dwarf 0
246 Rahtid 1 myrddraal 0
247 Raistilus 1 drow 0
248 Remur 1 human 0
249 Rhien 1 elf 0
250 Ronan 1 drow 0
251 Rondan 1 human 0
252 Ronove 1 saurin 0
253 Rshrevo 1 avian 0
254 Rust 1 drow 0
255 Seba 1 saurin 0
256 Sophiya 1 human 0
257 Tarmo 1 hobbit 0
258 Taveris 1 troll 0
259 Willifred 1 halfogre 0
260 Wisfakim 1 elf 0
261 Wookie 1 pixie 0
262 Wormwood 1 troll 0
263 Wtf 1 ogre 0
264 Xarlok 1 hobbit 0
265 Xeno 1 human 0
266 Zakkaris 1 avian 0
267 Sulavenn 1 avian 0
268 Cocowoushi 1 human 0
269 Guspacho 1 elf 0
270 Quill 1 human 0
271 Gremlauck 1 avian 0
272 Yargo 1 human 0
273 Resoleht 1 human 0
274 Sekroth 1 saurin 0
275 Rescuemyqp 1 human 0
276 Pleidas 1 halfelf 0
277 Thickjdgjudy 1 elf 0
278 Belkra 1 human 0
279 Fearpb 1 human 0
280 Blandish 1 saurin 0
281 Galahadrim 1 dwarf 0
282 Navarre 1 myrddraal 0
283 Bigbluebird 1 golem 0
284 Looker 1 halforc 0
285 Valorion 1 human 0
286 Pixelated 1 human 0
287 Jupyter 1 myrddraal 0