
In Aarchon there are 16 different classes that you may choose, all of which are available at the time of creation. Each class has some skills and/or spells that are shared with other classes, as well as its own unique skills and/or spells. Remember that the race you select may have a dramatic impact on you class, so do your research and choose wisely. Your race can be changed each remort -- your class is permanent.

Assassin Cleric Gladiator Gunslinger Illusionist
Mage Monk Necromancer Ninja Paladin
Ranger Samurai Templar Thief Warrior

Templars are an ancient order of religious nobility who have outlasted, as a politcal force, any of the passing trends of monarchy, revolution, or capitalism. Since the shattering, they have come to be the supreme governing body, since only they have been represented in virtually all time frames. They fight to preserve order and the privilege that lets such as they remain in the noble class. Despite their religious rites, beliefs, and dogma, they do not preach to the masses, although they do impose their morals on them. Templars are the lawyers, beurocrats, police, and officials who hold Bastion together. Because of their status, they have the time to pursue a formal education, including subjects like magic theory, making them skilled in both magic and clerical prayer.

Prime stat: Wisdom      Secondary stats: Charisma, Intelligence

Arguably one of the strongest classes in the game, but also one of the most difficult to play. Their healing power is only surpassed by Clerics, and their combat skills are only below fighter types. They are slow to kill, and slow to be killed.

Some skills/spells that are (mostly) unique to the Templar class are:

Cure Mortal
Energy Drain
Werewolf Hunting
Witch Hunting

# Name Level Race Remorts
1 Aemon 100 dragonborn 10
2 Allkohl 100 dragonborn 10
3 Jarreth 100 rakshasa 10
4 Newt 100 dragonborn 10
5 Psalter 100 dragonborn 10
6 Style 100 rakshasa 10
7 Kevral 100 rakshasa 10
8 Atlantis 66 vampire 10
9 Cammy 98 tengu 8
10 Jolt 98 lich 8
11 Kektos 98 naiad 8
12 Rangek 98 lich 8
13 Bock 97 lich 7
14 Eldrai 97 lich 7
15 Starfyre 97 vampire 7
16 Ophelia 95 lich 7
17 Alexangel 96 frost-giant 6
18 Ezekiel 96 frost-giant 6
19 Slyte 96 illithid 6
20 Eldrith 95 pixie 5
21 FallenAngel 95 doppelganger 5
22 Irishman 95 draconian 5
23 Mika 95 doppelganger 5
24 Orin 95 naga 5
25 Quystrix 95 draconian 5
26 Streeklyght 95 martian 5
27 Supreme 95 wisp 5
28 Taeran 95 doppelganger 5
29 Tinkerbell 95 mermaid 5
30 Harmoni 94 gimp 4
31 Grief 33 mermaid 4
32 Daedrin 92 sprite 3
33 Rizk 73 draconian 3
34 Xander 51 phreak 3
35 Kagato 38 draconian 3
36 Brunhilda 83 highelf 2
37 Tont 32 mantis 2
38 Nettle 23 martian 2
39 Circe 16 highelf 2
40 Hybles 91 nymph 1
41 Lebful 91 satyr 1
42 Qranic 91 khan 1
43 Eythne 67 satyr 1
44 Bogo 44 centaur 1
45 Banyek 90 leprechaun 0
46 Malorn 90 pixie 0
47 Rodriguez 90 avian 0
48 Tian 90 avian 0
49 Whitecross 90 drow 0
50 Vira 90 elf 0
51 Sade 72 avian 0
52 Kyrnn 72 elf 0
53 Ursula 61 gimp 0
54 Celleal 61 saurin 0
55 Nack 52 pixie 0
56 Velora 48 pixie 0
57 Cornelius 47 myrddraal 0
58 Prudence 47 saurin 0
59 Vincenzio 46 avian 0
60 Galaldor 42 pixie 0
61 Zaran 42 avian 0
62 Boldur 42 leprechaun 0
63 Krean 38 avian 0
64 Cazmir 36 drow 0
65 Greglorian 35 avian 0
66 Narp 34 avian 0
67 Massingill 30 human 0
68 Ghadora 28 pixie 0
69 Xirote 27 pixie 0
70 Anadir 26 pixie 0
71 Korrian 26 mutant 0
72 Themis 25 mutant 0
73 Elloril 24 elf 0
74 Vezstra 23 pixie 0
75 Acrylon 23 human 0
76 Sajion 22 avian 0
77 Pinkerdandy 21 pixie 0
78 Rasne 20 mutant 0
79 Sint 19 elf 0
80 Izabella 19 elf 0
81 Danor 18 avian 0
82 Gorlok 18 elf 0
83 Kharac 18 elf 0
84 Maura 18 avian 0
85 Yorick 18 pixie 0
86 Patricia 17 human 0
87 Tayrell 17 avian 0
88 Feona 15 avian 0
89 Kleeton 15 pixie 0
90 Conall 14 elf 0
91 Valanar 14 avian 0
92 Hugues 13 pixie 0
93 Kojo 13 avian 0
94 Olug 13 pixie 0
95 Sahel 13 elf 0
96 Ios 12 drow 0
97 Onorecan 12 avian 0
98 Phoebe 12 human 0
99 Wicerilla 12 saurin 0
100 Bristol 11 myrddraal 0
101 Tajic 11 elf 0
102 Zon 11 saurin 0
103 Gabrs 10 avian 0
104 Lorina 10 human 0
105 Sarnidahlar 10 drow 0
106 Auralyce 9 myrddraal 0
107 Neandra 9 pixie 0
108 Cronkulat 9 avian 0
109 Kreeto 8 myrddraal 0
110 Naevina 8 avian 0
111 Silvercheese 8 pixie 0
112 Ghesp 8 pixie 0
113 Etilia 8 halfelf 0
114 Darowin 8 elf 0
115 Elaiden 7 elf 0
116 Farve 7 avian 0
117 Shundra 7 avian 0
118 Sverath 7 pixie 0
119 Vander 7 saurin 0
120 Aeriel 6 avian 0
121 Barinon 6 elf 0
122 Caddry 6 avian 0
123 Chammy 6 elf 0
124 Elshar 6 myrddraal 0
125 Elylora 6 pixie 0
126 Fiona 6 avian 0
127 Galimir 6 halfelf 0
128 Inquisitus 6 pixie 0
129 Kasi 6 avian 0
130 Solomon 6 pixie 0
131 Veredictus 6 human 0
132 Zolrn 6 human 0
133 Orelean 6 mutant 0
134 Alvery 5 elf 0
135 Basalt 5 human 0
136 Cale 5 avian 0
137 Crovax 5 avian 0
138 Devora 5 human 0
139 Italia 5 avian 0
140 Valdor 5 drow 0
141 Vonk 5 saurin 0
142 Wreckquiem 5 drow 0
143 Zor 5 elf 0
144 Draya 5 pixie 0
145 Lorac 4 pixie 0
146 Xalos 4 halfelf 0
147 Angela 3 human 0
148 Edria 3 elf 0
149 Eureaka 3 avian 0
150 Liden 3 myrddraal 0
151 Merkalicious 3 elf 0
152 Nuvalo 3 pixie 0
153 Ween 3 pixie 0
154 Xuanin 3 drow 0
155 Dillymick 3 avian 0
156 Hongkong 3 drow 0
157 Geecko 2 avian 0
158 Irielle 2 avian 0
159 Santz 2 pixie 0
160 Vriska 2 mutant 0
161 Ancientdream 2 avian 0
162 Blent 2 pixie 0
163 Macvir 2 troll 0
164 Aealaran 1 avian 0
165 Alseid 1 human 0
166 Archangell 1 avian 0
167 Asdamma 1 goblin 0
168 Boopy 1 human 0
169 Bryshna 1 human 0
170 Carad 1 pixie 0
171 Codex 1 pixie 0
172 Dayman 1 leprechaun 0
173 Equivocate 1 elf 0
174 Fenbendazole 1 human 0
175 Ghyndrael 1 avian 0
176 Glack 1 avian 0
177 Huh 1 hobbit 0
178 Illianaro 1 elf 0
179 Kalyia 1 troll 0
180 Khi 1 dwarf 0
181 Knax 1 human 0
182 Lucian 1 elf 0
183 Malidos 1 elf 0
184 Malleus 1 human 0
185 Masmadune 1 avian 0
186 Meridara 1 avian 0
187 Monci 1 human 0
188 Morfegaunt 1 human 0
189 Myrlin 1 elf 0
190 Narlarn 1 saurin 0
191 Nuitara 1 myrddraal 0
192 Pandaoo 1 pixie 0
193 Poopinheimer 1 elf 0
194 Procan 1 myrddraal 0
195 Pythaem 1 avian 0
196 Qwertz 1 goblin 0
197 Reynalia 1 pixie 0
198 Runde 1 halfelf 0
199 Sarasal 1 troll 0
200 Saria 1 troll 0
201 Scrensholt 1 drow 0
202 Seichen 1 human 0
203 Setharios 1 avian 0
204 Sheogorath 1 avian 0
205 Slincx 1 drow 0
206 Taqi 1 dwarf 0
207 Templarguy 1 troll 0
208 Thornfire 1 drow 0
209 Tienda 1 halfelf 0
210 Tutex 1 drow 0
211 Vasya 1 hobbit 0
212 Velaria 1 halfelf 0
213 Vulkur 1 human 0
214 Youhr 1 avian 0
215 Yvonne 1 pixie 0
216 Zemra 1 goblin 0
217 Zoruk 1 avian 0
218 Killerr 1 pixie 0
219 Zethrie 1 myrddraal 0
220 Ashlyn 1 halfelf 0
221 Huglak 1 avian 0
222 Tarval 1 drow 0
223 Testtest 1 avian 0
224 Bobethy 1 avian 0
225 Bosstone 1 troll 0
226 Jahid 1 myrddraal 0