
In Aarchon there are 16 different classes that you may choose, all of which are available at the time of creation. Each class has some skills and/or spells that are shared with other classes, as well as its own unique skills and/or spells. Remember that the race you select may have a dramatic impact on you class, so do your research and choose wisely. Your race can be changed each remort -- your class is permanent.

Assassin Cleric Gladiator Gunslinger Illusionist
Mage Monk Necromancer Ninja Paladin
Ranger Samurai Templar Thief Warrior

Clerics are the most defensively orientated of all the classes. Most of their spells focus on healing or defending the faithful, with their few combat spells being far less powerful than those of mages. However, clerics are the best class by far at healing magics, and they posess an impressive area of protective magics, as well as fair combat prowess.

Prime stat: Wisdom      Secondary stats: Charisma, Discipline

Clerics are one of the most difficult classes to level solo as they have weak combat skills and their magic does very little damage at lower levels. They are however unrivaled in their healing and enhancements powers which means many players want them in their group. Through the use of protection auras, cure mortal, and stances like Swayde's Mercy, Clerics are very tough to kill.

Some skills/spells that are (mostly) unique to the Cleric class are:

Cure Mortal
Firwitch's Seance
Holy Word
Korinn's Inspiration
Parademia's Bile
Quirky's Insanity
Rimbol's Invocation
Siva's Sacrifice
Swayde's Mercy

Cleric Class Overview

The cleric class is known for its powerful healing, curative, and protective magic, making it an excellent support class. Their combat spells are minimal, but through the use of maledictions they can still prove very deadly.


The animate dead spell allows for the summoning of zombies which can quickly boost a cleric's damage output. Use chain spell meta-magic to buff and heal your army, or simply act as a tank for your zombies and focus on healing yourself.

Use mantra to grant yourself an extra attack each round at the cost of mana, and rely on empowered spell meta-magic to enhance your offensive spells. The cause light/serious/critical, harm, and unearth spells are especially powerful.

On the exceptionally powerful opponents, maledictions like curse, slow, weaken, and dispel magic will help level the playing field.

The use of auras like absolute zero, electrocution, epidemic, immolation, and quirky's insanity mean that each time an enemy hits you, they take some damage back as well.


Defensively, clerics have access to nearly every buff and healing type spell in the game. The anatomy skill brings their healing abilities to a level that is untouchable by any other as it provides a passive bonus to healing. Combine this with empowered casting and masteries for an amplified effect.

Swayde's Mercy stance substantially increases the Cleric's ability to dodge and block attacks, as long as a shield is being used.

Aura spells as listed above have a strong defensive component, which is they grant you resistance to whichever type of magic it is they represent. Switch auras to change your resists during combat if necessary.

Role in Groups

Clerics are expected to keep their group alive, and this is done not only through healing, but also through making sure the tank is protected with spells like sanctuary.

If your tank is in good health, use maledictions or dispel magic to help bring down an opponent quickly.

In larger groups it can be extremely advantageous to use Smote's Anachronism, which grants an extra round of attacks to your entire party.

Equipment Nuances

If you intend to tank, it's important to wear a shield because of bonus that Swayde's Mercy stance grants to blocking. When using a shield you should not be using a held item because Clerics do not get the wrist shield skill. Blocking becomes less effective when using a weapon, held item, and shield at the same time. Check these values with the percentages command.


While leveling, clerics may find mastery in the smaller cure spells to be very valuable as they are incredibly efficient.

At higher levels there is more value in heal or cure mortal mastery.

Anatomy mastery is almost mandatory, as the skill itself provides a substantial passive bonus to healing, and the mastery enhances this bonus.

Other Concepts

To increase total damage output, a cleric might try acting as the tank so that their aura damage can help speed things up. If incoming damage isn't too substantial, try removing your shield and using Firewitch's Seance instead of Swayde's Mercy stance. You'll further increase the number of attacks taken, furthering the damage output of your aura.

# Name Level Race Remorts
1 Deth 100 tengu 10
2 Evanek 100 rakshasa 10
3 Gherad 100 vampire 10
4 Mason 100 rakshasa 10
5 Noodles 100 rakshasa 10
6 Pimon 100 rakshasa 10
7 Umbra 100 rakshasa 10
8 Zathiel 100 genie 10
9 Zust 100 lich 10
10 Schmitt 100 archon 10
11 Duftest 100 rakshasa 10
12 Duffy 99 rakshasa 9
13 Lichtmann 99 vampire 9
14 Dezria 99 rakshasa 9
15 Dinin 80 vampire 9
16 Chad 98 naiad 8
17 Emino 98 naiad 8
18 Tyrr 98 vampire 8
19 Pepe 98 naiad 8
20 Aeniss 97 gargoyle 7
21 Articos 97 draconian 7
22 Dray 97 lich 7
23 Geraldo 97 draconian 7
24 Jabil 97 doppelganger 7
25 Kassangel 97 lich 7
26 Mors 97 lich 7
27 Saraya 97 lich 7
28 Cleus 96 illithid 6
29 Gangrel 96 wraith 6
30 Junah 96 frost-giant 6
31 Reiko 96 illithid 6
32 Rythar 96 frost-giant 6
33 Shaddai 6 vampire 6
34 Beck 95 martian 5
35 Daigoro 95 martian 5
36 Dice 95 naga 5
37 Gage 95 dunedain 5
38 JohnPaul 95 naga 5
39 Kael 95 treant 5
40 Larn 95 wraith 5
41 Melian 95 minotaur 5
42 Myrkul 95 naga 5
43 Mystique 95 wraith 5
44 Soujiro 95 wraith 5
45 Meakers 73 doppelganger 5
46 Nicolas 72 mermaid 5
47 Elrond 94 cyborg 4
48 Eradicator 94 minotaur 4
49 Jubeii 94 mermaid 4
50 Azreath 84 gimp 4
51 Hiro 76 minotaur 4
52 Duncan 73 minotaur 4
53 Desmona 17 minotaur 4
54 Qix 93 sprite 3
55 Acushla 77 sprite 3
56 Achilios 54 mantis 3
57 Drizzle 46 phreak 3
58 Anders 1 vampil 3
59 Gaunt 92 highelf 2
60 Dismas 82 nymph 2
61 Chron 91 mutant 1
62 Shades 70 leprechaun 1
63 Feda 66 satyr 1
64 Xoe 43 saurin 1
65 Meeza 9 satyr 1
66 Jemrif 3 satyr 1
67 Delaney 90 gimp 0
68 Eric 90 gimp 0
69 Kahin 90 leprechaun 0
70 Sovereign 90 gimp 0
71 Trichome 90 avian 0
72 Vesq 90 avian 0
73 Windsong 90 avian 0
74 Ripley 90 elf 0
75 Slayde 90 elf 0
76 Cintra 90 avian 0
77 Zhivago 90 drow 0
78 Avery 78 gimp 0
79 Parallel 72 human 0
80 Elena 68 leprechaun 0
81 Cilene 67 avian 0
82 Ruroni 64 gimp 0
83 Grimblewald 54 avian 0
84 Bagel 50 pixie 0
85 Niriel 47 elf 0
86 Arkilas 44 human 0
87 Solarus 42 avian 0
88 Makale 39 avian 0
89 Cadenza 35 pixie 0
90 Gerry 32 drow 0
91 Althanis 29 elf 0
92 Thedeus 29 mutant 0
93 Greyhawk 29 leprechaun 0
94 Ayako 27 dwarf 0
95 Katar 24 avian 0
96 Deeter 22 avian 0
97 Illistra 22 avian 0
98 Longfellow 22 saurin 0
99 Navi 22 pixie 0
100 Morlok 17 drow 0
101 Kikku 16 drow 0
102 Niptong 16 avian 0
103 Rambeaux 16 pixie 0
104 Rinia 16 avian 0
105 Healbotter 16 pixie 0
106 Agatheusus 15 avian 0
107 Labelieze 15 pixie 0
108 Lexor 15 avian 0
109 Aemen 14 pixie 0
110 Reshi 14 leprechaun 0
111 Arvestad 13 avian 0
112 Dankzappa 13 pixie 0
113 Glimmer 13 pixie 0
114 Ishtamu 13 pixie 0
115 Posnick 13 human 0
116 Cadias 12 avian 0
117 Gleu 12 avian 0
118 Stormagar 12 pixie 0
119 Brandt 12 pixie 0
120 Pelor 11 avian 0
121 Asena 10 elf 0
122 Chakra 10 pixie 0
123 Madelyn 10 avian 0
124 Telo 10 mutant 0
125 Bahia 9 human 0
126 Kalesi 9 pixie 0
127 Koda 9 gimp 0
128 Ira 8 human 0
129 Risako 8 drow 0
130 Sona 8 halfelf 0
131 Tirzah 8 human 0
132 Demorde 7 human 0
133 Pithlit 7 pixie 0
134 Tayan 7 saurin 0
135 Tia 7 pixie 0
136 Farrion 6 human 0
137 Jarion 6 pixie 0
138 Kyoka 6 avian 0
139 Lily 6 avian 0
140 Phisogoth 6 avian 0
141 Shareni 6 pixie 0
142 Skrapps 6 saurin 0
143 Korus 6 avian 0
144 Senak 6 avian 0
145 Renzai 6 gimp 0
146 Callyssa 5 avian 0
147 Illadriel 5 pixie 0
148 Jstorethree 5 gimp 0
149 Kronosbach 5 avian 0
150 Maegwen 5 elf 0
151 Necmoy 5 halforc 0
152 Sunny 5 pixie 0
153 Teikeon 5 avian 0
154 Utax 5 golem 0
155 Winona 5 pixie 0
156 Worin 5 avian 0
157 Alatariel 4 pixie 0
158 Goldenlight 4 human 0
159 Katiana 4 avian 0
160 Aairio 4 avian 0
161 Nalia 3 pixie 0
162 Thaset 3 avian 0
163 Bambule 3 avian 0
164 Amicus 2 human 0
165 Avena 2 avian 0
166 Garon 2 leprechaun 0
167 Palax 2 human 0
168 Rerex 2 human 0
169 Zenei 2 leprechaun 0
170 Ladsdny 2 pixie 0
171 Velmont 2 human 0
172 Aasa 1 avian 0
173 Abbadon 1 human 0
174 Aimee 1 elf 0
175 Acanir 1 halfelf 0
176 Albatross 1 dwarf 0
177 Aphrodyte 1 pixie 0
178 Athrina 1 avian 0
179 Belinar 1 dwarf 0
180 Blablabla 1 pixie 0
181 Blackbeak 1 avian 0
182 Boondog 1 dwarf 0
183 Brinsemigen 1 pixie 0
184 Caelus 1 pixie 0
185 Cinric 1 human 0
186 Dasken 1 avian 0
187 Drognar 1 dwarf 0
188 Elanserum 1 avian 0
189 Eledriel 1 pixie 0
190 Exhalted 1 human 0
191 Frankxu 1 avian 0
192 Goske 1 gimp 0
193 Gwenllian 1 human 0
194 Kagi 1 drow 0
195 Lereas 1 pixie 0
196 Lyeis 1 pixie 0
197 Maethala 1 elf 0
198 Mikesr 1 drow 0
199 Minushka 1 human 0
200 Nemath 1 pixie 0
201 Norzec 1 dwarf 0
202 Nydessa 1 elf 0
203 Omnipotent 1 avian 0
204 Popor 1 avian 0
205 Razz 1 avian 0
206 Sarlax 1 human 0
207 Slivia 1 avian 0
208 Taenor 1 avian 0
209 Thoros 1 human 0
210 Wanabala 1 troll 0
211 Willlelm 1 gimp 0
212 Xofraz 1 elf 0
213 Ping 1 human 0
214 Equinox 1 pixie 0
215 Vickter 1 human 0
216 Siriana 1 pixie 0
217 Belavir 1 avian 0
218 Grelan 1 human 0
219 Cash 1 human 0
220 Redhare 1 pixie 0
221 Isaverb 1 dwarf 0
222 Michail 1 avian 0
223 Drok 1 dwarf 0
224 Lirva 1 avian 0
225 Infearior 1 human 0
226 Guestof 1 ogre 0