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Sender Date Subject
Corynn Sun Apr 21 08:38:44 2013 Pretitles
Chad Sat Apr 20 12:03:00 2013 summonable pets
SirLance Sat Apr 20 11:01:36 2013 Gag Renewal
Rhimy Fri Apr 19 19:46:49 2013 Dual Exotic
Astark Fri Apr 19 16:58:45 2013 re hailstorm
Hobin Fri Apr 19 10:51:26 2013 Playback [tell|gtell|clan]
Hailstorm Fri Apr 19 09:49:00 2013 apparitions
Mishima Thu Apr 18 12:22:12 2013 gain convert/train
Phire Thu Apr 18 11:40:33 2013 spell levels
Hailstorm Thu Apr 18 09:07:50 2013 area *
Duffy Thu Apr 18 08:35:38 2013 date of birth in "finger"
Chad Wed Apr 17 16:32:20 2013 sorting things
SirLance Wed Apr 17 15:43:26 2013 Practice List
Mishima Wed Apr 17 11:47:27 2013 note list all
Ithilius Tue Apr 16 14:47:03 2013 Godbless Buffs
Azhir Mon Apr 15 21:29:40 2013 Murder to attack players
Reh Sun Apr 14 23:36:50 2013 New race!
Reh Sun Apr 14 21:38:16 2013 Clan vendors
Sereg Sat Apr 13 17:27:29 2013 Gold
Aldon Sat Apr 13 14:56:24 2013 leadership