Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Chad
Date Sat Apr 20 12:03:00 2013
To all
Subject summonable pets
This change to summonable pets w/r/t zombies is not working. Where I had around 6 before, now I have 2(as a doppel I can't be sure it was 6 before, my cha might have changed, but it was a lot more than 2). Where zombies used to be the majority of my damage, now I run out of mana in 7 fights because zombies have less hp, and I have to raise them more frequently with fewer zombies. I understand rangers and gunnies could have many golems and sidekicks, but it's important to understand taking those pets away from those classes hurt them less because they can do their own sustained damage. On my mage there's no way to level without zombies, and even with them it's nearly impossible to level solo with them. A group of 4 casters can barely take down a reject at mid level without dying, even with these nerfed zombies. Either give another way for mages to do more damage that is not mana dependent or bring back zombies the way they were.