Board Roleplay.old [context]
Sender Zealot
Date Thu Oct 17 16:43:49 2013
To all
Subject The Great Shadow
As Zealot relearned her place in the world, several obstables were thrown in her way. A whole bright beautiful world. No more 'corruption' No more Treason No more False Gods and False hope Where is the Fun, This was not proper She Began to take new form A form fit for the Goddess that was the Z The Lich the race created for Zealot the allmight Rimbol spat from his rectum the abomination that is His final joke. His final Mistake. Reborn, Reshapen. Where is Rimbol now? Coward hidden from the Immortal Slayer. Slayer of immortals who take mortal form - the great one presses on -------------------------------------------------------- One shiny afternoon while drinking a pint of newb blood imagning what divine lighting would feel like just for fun. A dark presence came over her. As she slowly looked over her shoulder, fangs still erupted, blood dripping Lacatus? As she steps into shaddowalk battle stance breathing forth a horrific assault of lightning the 'shadow' dissipated leaving nothing but a sense of ....accomplishment A dark ritual was performed to confir with the 'Old Gods' She got her answer. Wave after Wave of 'shadows' each of which had a face ....from ....another life perhaps? as her coal black eyes went completely black all light absorbed in the emptiness that is her eyes Shadows should not scream ------------------------------------------------- They were afraid they ceased to exist. She was on a mission. erridate the past. No one other than her saw the faces of past in these shadows. Something has awoken in her --------------------------------------------------- The shadows stopped haunting her. it did not take long That was not good enough The hunted. Now the Hunter. Past is now Present. ------------------------------------------ The holocaust of shadows was over Zealot, still grining ear to ear in smile notices beautiful black crystals appear in her hands A gift from the Gods? Not on her watch. These 'gifts' were spat upon the ground. to her surprise a shadow began to engulf her and she dissapeared. -------------------------------------------- from what seemed to be forever, but was realisically 3 seconds Zealot emerged from the blackness with that look in her eyes of near satisfaction Like a women almost climaxing. She had been in a battle..... no blood.....more shadows? What is going on? What are these Shadows? Does Zealot have something to do with their emergence? I better learn to keep my distance. She is quite frightful, although comical in chat...quite....cold... Oh shit she saw me. ____________________________________________________ s.....ssssssssssssssssss...........ssss............ sss......sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssss........sssssssssssssss _______________________________________________________ This document written by author unknown discovered torn and covered in blood. Sold for 5000 gold at the New Thalos Black Market To buyer unknown Released by ............sssssssss.ssssssssssssss........... ssssssssss.ssssssssssssssss.............sssssss