Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Zachariel
Date Sun Sep 13 15:35:02 2015
To all,imm
Subject Scales and arrows
Scales natural weaponry... I wrote notes about this before, but it still looks beyond silly. -50 AC.. might as well not have it. The other natural weaponry are all very useful, adding a skill as well as adding damage. Armoured also kinda laughs at scales, giving a bonus 20! times as big. So can we please up the bonus from scales to at least -200 AC or something? -50 is just plain stupid. --- Another idea.. an infinite quest arrow for say 2000 qp. Lowlvl which can be used for lvling like the normal quest eq, but not the most useful at hero lvl. Or a lvl 90 arrow in the lines of Sword of Kings and Staff of the Ancients.