Board General.old [context]
Sender Yoshimitsu
Date Sat Dec 24 19:46:40 2016
To all
Subject Twas the Night before Christmas
If you feel left out because you weren't singled out, you lucked out ;) Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the mud, not a creature was stirring, not even Vodur the stud. The stockings were hung in Palace Square with care, in hopes that the immortals soon would be there. The players were nestled all snug at the inn, with visions of Tagraz changing sex of their kin. And Bobble with his bugs and Astark AFK, had just copied over to smooth out game play. When out at El Cid, arose such a clatter, Everyone jumped to see what was the matter. Away to PS we flew in a flash, unsheathed our weapons in a haphazard dash. The moon on the breast of Harambe's gnarled teet, gave the lust in the loins of Bisous in heat. When what to our wondering eyes should appear, but Pimon and Ghoor tried to rush from the rear. With a little ol' Gimp suit, so shiny and sleek, Sirlance commanded the Legion, the meek. More rapid than eagles his course they came, And he whistled and shouted, and noted them by name! "By yatta and yatta and yatta he wrote, on yatta and yatta in the name of good Smote! To the top of the Lemonade fountain he flew, Now level train, move level train, level train crew!" As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky. So up to the Angels, the levelers they flew, With the sleigh full of vampires, and Evanek too. And then, just like tinkling, we heard at The Rock, The slashing and killing in the Convicts cell block. As we drew in our head, and was turning around, Down fell Lamp's head, beheaded with a bound. Dinadin was dressed all in gold from his foot to his head As we could tell he had easy remorts, no weapons instead. Unarmed combat, his swords flung on his back, And he looked like a hobo, just living from his pack. Umbra was with him, with his brilliant gear! Spending gold to enchant than most earn in a year! His smugness and sarcasm surrounded the air, But armed with a siva sac, he didn't care. Shotwell all giddy, an axe he held tight in his hands, ready to massive swing through Auroch lands. He had a dumb face and a big beer belly, That shook when he breathed, like a bowlful of jelly! Gongshe was chubby and bald, a right crazy old Vamp And we laughed when we saw him, fresh from Newb camp. A tear from his eye and a twist of his ball gag, The gimp had lost his god bless, oh what a drag. Reh spoke many words and went straight to work, ensuring all of R-Chon knew he was a jerk. And flying his middle finger in front of our faces, attempted to whip us all with his shoe laces. I write this in jest and some seasonal fun, away this rhyme ends like the end of Roscoe's gun. You've all heard me exclaim, 'ere I quest in plain sight, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-fight!"