Board News.old [context]
Sender Vodur
Date Fri Feb 22 11:31:30 2013
To all
Posting on behalf of Astark. {WDiscipline Change - {x {cSummary{x: This change will make it so that the lower your HP is, and the lower your DIS, the less effective your skill/spell %'s become. The change will also impact mobs, making it so that they get less attacks, and less effective dodge/parry/weapon skills. {cPurpose{x: To make discipline more useful now that it's not part of practice calculations. Currently discipline's only affects are that it has an impact on {wtrained{x hp/mana/move, and also impacts how much field exp a player can retain. {cNotes/Testing{x: 142 DIS, 13% health. Skills go down by 12% effective. 102 DIS, 13% health. Skills go down by 19% effective. {cPlayer Reception{x: The penalty is far too great. It's extremely punitive with the current formula. The change isn't necessary, as discipline already has uses. This change encourages players to flee at 30-40% health from a fight, effectively creating a lot of down time. With the new mob changes this is not reasonable. The change isn't too noticeable on mobs, especially mobs that don't use weapons. Why should DIS be so important for every class? Each stat has its uses and the important of these stats depend on the class and intent of a character. CHA is important to people who have lots of followers, warriors, paladins, or those who are questing. WIS isn't important to fighters because they don't cast spells. DEX isn't important to casters because they don't do much melee combat, etc. Also, monks indirectly get a potent buff from this change because DIS is their prime stat, giving them a significant edge over other classes.