Board Quest.old [context]
Sender Vodur
Date Mon Dec 26 17:16:04 2011
To all
Lots of stuff can go wrong with a failed potion... We are adding a randomized fail message for brew and now is your chance to make AARCHON HISTORY. Your quest is to provide an entertaining fail message for brewing potions. You may provide up to 3 per player (I KNOW YOUR ALTS SO DON'T PRETEND), and you will be rewarded 50qp total if 1 or more is chosen to be used. Judging is at the discretion of me and other imms. There is no limit to the number we use. What we have so far: 1. Hair begins to grow from your eyeballs...guess the potion backfired. 2. {RBACKFIRE!!!!{x No, really, your back is on {RFIRE{x...guess that potion fizzled. 3. You drop a potion on your foot and scream as it singes your toes! 4. You blink in bewilderment as a potion explodes and envelopes your face in black smoke. {WTo submit:{x Send a note on personal board to imm with 'brew fail' as the subject. Send your messages in the 1st person (as in examples above).