Board General.old [context]
Sender Umbra
Date Thu Jul 24 19:57:14 2014
To all
Subject The Mystic and his blessings during PARTY WEEKEND
I asked a few questions earlier to clear up questions with regards to the mystic and his blessings during the PARTY WEEKEND, so I'm sharing, hoping this message will reduce the number of times people might ask. 1.) Bless - The Heroism affect {RDOES NOT{X stack along with heroism so don't bother casting it if you have it. 2.) Speed - The blessing already has mantra attached to it (extra attack) so if you have the spell or pop an arcane potion it's wasted and {RDOES NOT{X stack. 3.) Enlighten - Everyone knows it, everyone loves it: the experience gain {GDOES{X stack with the experience bonus. BOOM HEADSHOT. 4.) Fortune - Although LUC and CHA increases, it does not help with skill gains, and the secondary nature of gold drop increase {GDOES{X stack with the gold drop bonus. * Note: The gold drop bonus from Fortune only kicks in if the person with the Fortune blessing gets the kill. The remaining blessings are pretty self explanatory.