Board Mechanics.old [context]
Sender Tomjo
Date Tue Apr 26 14:35:12 2016
To all
Subject Re: Gherad
The exp received is varied based on level and remort level, but the primary point we're talking about is that the ETL to actually level is increased to the point that people out-level the group, therefore we typically tend to stick to groups with other ascended players. It's not that we "receive less" but that we simply need much more experience to level. Secondly the exp in any group is lessened because the difficulty of the kill and time it takes to kill is spread amongst the players, as is the exp. The exp reduction in a group can be as low as 50 per kill, sometimes as high as 50% of what you could get killing solo, so that reduction is definitely a motivator for stronger players to not want to group sometimes. Personally, you know that I value speed of leveling over almost everything, so if there is going to be something or someone slowing me down in a group, I opt not to group.