Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Sketch
Date Thu Jul 26 10:36:20 2012
To all
Subject sticks to snakes
So going through my skills I kept coming back to the spell 'sticks to snakes' and wondered to myself, "why don't I use this?". So I checked it out and realized that I don't use it cuz its pretty horrible. At lvl 97 I'm making lvl 27 snakes. They have about a 25 hitroll and 700 hps. Thats not going to do much good besides the visual comedy of having a bunch of snakes following me around. So I see two ways of making them useful. Number one: the easy and boring conclusion of simply making them higher level. And two: giving them something useful. I'd like to see them stay smaller mobs but get a boost to their hitroll and get a nasty venomous bite. My thoughts for what they're worth. Sketch