Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Sketch
Date Fri Jan 13 09:04:35 2012
To all
Subject Bullywug Race
I think tier 1 is lacking a good pure hitter. Zombie is the strongest race in that group at 110. I originally thought of writing up the warforge but figured that would be too similar of a race between golem and the stats of cyclops for R2. So I decided to mess with the idea of Bullywug which seemed to fit better all around as an R1 race. Race: Bullywug Remort: 1 Size: large Gender: either Vulnerabilities: acid Resistances: drown poison =Str== =Con== =Vit== =Agi== =Dex== =Int== =Wis== =Dis== =Cha== =Luc== 40-120 40-115 60-110 20-110 20-105 15- 85 25- 95 40-110 25- 90 40-100 +4 +3 +3 +4 +3 +2 +2 +3 +2 +3 War Thi Cle Mag Gla Sam Pal Asn Nin Mon Tem Ilu Gun Ran Nec 1200 1350 1500 1600 1200 1350 1450 1250 1400 1450 1550 1550 1400 1300 1400 Skill Level Percent swimming 1 80% toad 20 90% poison 35 75% I had a harder time with the stats and etls on this one and ended up shuffling them around a lot more. May need more tweaking than the last one. Other ideas I had for race skills were jump up, back leap, breathe water and envenom.