Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Sketch
Date Thu Jan 12 07:51:37 2012
To all
Subject Chrysalie
It looks good. Most of the ideas came from my head. My only inspiration was briefly seeing a book at work called chrysalies. I work at a publishing factory. Putting together the actual books themselves so lot of information passes by throughout the days. One change I'd like to bring up is a mistake that I myself made in the race skills. I was actually thinking of Avoidance and not evasive action. The idea of them having compound eyes allowing them to see motion and avoid an attack. And yes, I figured they would get tree golem as a defense much like nymphs do. Rangers get tree golem through their communing with nature. Rangers have to learn it. Being part of nature comes naturally to these races. Thats why it makes sense to me anyway.