Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Shadorn
Date Wed Jul 16 21:09:48 2014
To all
Subject Ranger Ideas
Pet: Adding some animal specific pets to close gap between sticks of snakes and tree golems. Maybe have some specific animals spread out the levels that have specific focus. For instance, bear more of tanking, panther damage, spider utilities. Add some of pet bonus specific to ranger similar to puppetry for necro, beast control or beast speaking or something like that? Reason: I noticed that the purchasable pet is better than sticks to snakes and tree golems in terms of damage, and hit-points. Archery: There are little to none actions skills related to archery, the current action skills related to archery that are in games is as following: Level 35: Infectious Arrow I rarely use it as fight are typically fast and it dont stack so not worthwhile to use as action but as opening. Level 96: Strafe No comments, as Im not R6 yet. But see my points? There are only 2 skills in huge level gap. My thoughts are adding some interesting skills related to ranger and it will help further make ranger unique from other classes. Here are some ideas: Steady Shot: Calm mind and steady hand make an accurate shot. (Mechanics: Low damage boost to base but higher chance to hit.) Double Shot: Similar to double strike but for bow. Nature Shot: Imbue shot with nature power (random abilities from nature such as poison, acid, lightning, etc and use mana instead of movement). I can come up with more but dont want to overdo this. If have any feedback or comments, please do share!