Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Sathian
Date Tue Dec 27 12:51:05 2011
To all
Subject Druid skills
Hi here are a few ideas for Druid. Call of the Wild Type: Call (not a spell more like warrior warcry) Effect: Summons Forest dwelling creatures Creatures vary depending on leevl of caster level 1-5 Bunny, Squirl, hedgehog level 6-10 Badger, Bat, porcupine level 11-15 Skunk, Beaver, Raccoon level 16-20 Fox, Hawk,Weasel level 21-30 Wolf, Eagle, Owl leevl 31-40 Fisher,Black-Backed shrew level 41-50 Wild boar, White Tailed Deer, Caribou level 51-70 Brown Bear, Wolf, Bobcat Level 71-90 Black Bear, Wolverine, Snow Leopard level 91-110 Timber Wolf, Grizly bear, Tiger Obviously this list can be rajusted they would be charmed animals. (could also make it summon specific types from specific zones instead. next... ----- Strength of the Forest Type: Call Effect: Druid calls upon the strngth of the forest for a bonus to strength, Speed, agility when in the Forest . ----- Force of nature Type: Call Effect: Calls the surounding elements to bring down its fury on the oponent . ---- Call Lesser Nature Spirit Type: Call Effect: Summons a spirit that heals the caster a small amount of health every 3 seconds, last 30 seconds . --- Call Greater Nature Spirit Type: Call Effect: Summons a spirit that heals the caster for a large amount of health every 3 seconds for 30 seconds . ----- Call Elder Nature spirit Type: Call Effect: Summons a spirit that will heal the casters group for a large amount of health every 3 seconds, lasts 30 seconds. . --- Chocking Undergrowth Type: Call Effect: Calls forth the roots from trees and plants to choke the druids target. . --- Natures Barrier Type: Spell Effect: Lowers damage taken from attacks, the higher the level of the druid the more damage is reduced. . --- Awaken the Wild Type: Call Effect: Calls forth the Wild instincts of all party members (type of warcry, Frenzy)