Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Sabastion
Date Thu Mar 10 17:21:23 2016
To all
Subject Global Mob Quest Tokens
I've noticed these haven't been touched lately. Probably since most people are over the r9-r10 hump, and are prepping for ascension. I feel they're still great mobs to interact with so how about some alternative incentives. yatta Quest Tokens, within a short window, can be turned in for 50qps rather than used to buy gear. After the short window (something like 5-60mins), they just function as equipment vouchers like normally. This simply keeps the reward from being abused, pooling new characters, different players, or providing unfair advantages to any already amassed. Qp reward would just drive players to actively engage these cool mobs as frequently as they deserve to be. Not just one person, but two or more since extra bounty is at a stake or rewards can be tracked like we typically do with gear runs on who last got what.