Board Mechanics.old [context]
Sender Sabastion
Date Sun Sep 20 09:38:56 2015
To all
Subject Beheading
help beheading snippet: Notes: Beheading can only occur with an exotic, dagger, polearm, sword, or axe. The chance of beheading is lowest with exotic, greatest with axe. Is this talking about the Beheading skill, meaning only applying to regular round attacks? Or would apply to double strike, round swing, etc. If not, where do guns and bows fit into this ranking of weapon behead chances? I'm guessing it's just not a modifier for Aim/Snipe/Assassination? Help backstab snippet: Any dagger may be used, but piercing weapons will be most effective at it. The damage inflicted is determined by the attacker's level, his weapon skill, his backstab skill, and the power of his opponent. Circle and backstab can now be used with any weapon type. Are daggers better than say a sword or axe here for assassinating? It mentions piercing daggers as well...does that mean a full damtype piercing dagger had a better assassinating chance? Could an exotic pierce damtype weapon outperform other types even though it's ranked lowest? Or again, does Assassination not take into account weapon type at all for behead checks? help anatomy snippet: Circle works while unarmed and with daggers, but assassination does not work while unarmed. Anatomy is also more efficient with daggers. I assume this means daggers get a dmg boost from anatomy while circling/backstabbing/back leaping? How much, or is it accuracy? Do other weapons get any bonus?