Board General.old [context]
Sender Rynor
Date Fri May 23 20:23:03 2014
To all
Subject poor Umby
< - That's what you want me to "mush?" I was hoping you would have more of a <--------- by now. Regardless, just as I rejected Eris, I must reject you for the same reason.... incompatible parts. So, why isn't anyone else on beside the Dr whenever I log in? It's not like my stink is contagious! PS - Dear Astark, please undo all of Sethra's OVERLY colourful changes to Paradigm. Touring through there gave me a headache! PPS- When the heck was Qmtarr actually active?!? Not only that, but even part of Paradigm?!?! PPPS - If the colourful changes were made by Odoth.... No worries, I know just the stick I'm going to use...