Board Pkill.old [context]
Sender Rubee
Date Tue May 21 16:11:51 2013
To pkill,all
Subject leveling attacks
I figured I would wipe some dust off this board nothing exciting, but I actually jumped someone and then someone jumped me. first attack, I caught this poor bastard, unprotected, pants down. he fled with only his headgear to keep his intestinal juices from completing draining out. Then actually to my surprise, he returned the favor and as I thought I was fighting a lost battle, I realized, I too was caught pants down in the sheep fields no sanc, volley after volley of acid spewed in my direction, was UNSPEAKABLE. I too...barely fled, skin completely charred and full of chemical burns. Yes no one died. But its more action than you've gotten lately. got something better? prove it. Lets revive this bitch and convince the imms to me good things..I mean us...pkers... Ruby2shoes