Board Mechanics.old [context]
Sender Rocky
Date Thu Sep 27 13:37:25 2012
To all
Subject Skill level and percents
Is there any rhyme or reason to thieves getting second attack at level 25, and dual dagger at 48? Thieves get second attack at 95%, at level 25. Other comparable classes are Ninja and Assassin, who get second attack at levels 3 and 4, and at 99% and 96% respectively. All of the other pure figher classes get second attack at these low levels as well. Even rangers/monks get it at level 14/20 respectively Thieves get dual dagger at 95%, at level 48. Ninjas get dual dagger at 80%, at level 41. Assassins get dual dagger at 98%, at level 27. Thieves don't get third attack, yet their counterpart ninja/assassins get third attack at level 25 which is when thieves get second attack. Thieves aren't a notoriously powerful class and it seems strange that the skill %'s and RP-themes don't really follow suit with the levels that the skills are learned at.