Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Rikailin
Date Sat Feb 10 14:23:54 2018
To all
Subject Rooming
Following with SirLance's idea. This isn't an idea so much as an observation. I can tell you that monks kinda suck for rooming. Yes, they get sweep and roundhouse, but both of those skills can not only miss, but can also fail and destance the monk. Given that monks have several fewer eq slots in general and often rely on stance for boosted damage, at low levels they don't really have much of that and frankly need all the rooming help they can get. Giving them a wand really doesn't work well, since it takes up a hand slot. Their number of attacks is nice, but I'd put them in there, especially early on, as a class that has serious trouble rooming. Maybe not as much as assassin, but earthquake on an r0-r1 race would not be a bad idea.@