Board Mechanics.old [context]
Sender Rhimy
Date Sun May 19 18:41:45 2013
To all
Subject Aggro
Aggressive behavior of mobs has a couple of factors. Level and CHA. Help file should read to mention CHA, but I'd still like to know as much as I can about these formulas and anything else that may be at play. Obviously some mrpogs just override this natural aggro check? I'm even more curious about these natural checks and/or unnatural triggers go along to work with skills like Soothe, Calm, or even Hurl/Distract/Sleep/Charm. Then also what makes a mob more likely to remember you attacked it and return the favor when you re-enter a room or not. Just a whole big cloudy area for me. Kind of always has been in terms of the specifics or consistency of it all. -Lamp