Board General.old [context]
Sender Rhianna
Date Wed May 22 02:29:53 2013
To all
Subject pk ideas
yes even though im not pk the idea of removing pk stats from the finger command and just creating a leaderboard is a great idea. I see this as a way to perhaps curb those that are pk and struggling from being targeted by grooups of people just wanting to go for the easy pk. Someone previously mentioned the problem with camping at PS by those that pk and not sure if this suggestion might be a valid idea or not but perhaps find a way to check and see if those that have the PK flag are camped in PS if so it activates a some type of timer where when the timer reaches 0 it could for instance force recall the player back to their clan hall or it another idea maybe is it sends a warning message then starts timer #2. If they refuse to move after timer 2 expires after a certain period of time it force logs them off then makes them wait with a timer a set amount of time before that character can be logged back on. one kind of idea and might have to be modified for a piece of pk equipment could be something like a Cancelation Rod. stauts If player status = 0 force drop else goto activation activation if activation = 0 then print "Player is not Player Killer!" else goto use use if use = 1 then cast "dispel magic?" so basically it checks to make sure the player is pk so it can't be picked up by those that aren't pk or be used by those that aren't pk then if it's used would basically do a dispel magic. I'd say set the success chance at maybe 1% (might need to be adjusted not sure if that would be too low or not but idea is it won't always be a success so you take a risk using it and spending an attack(s) trying to dispell where it would leave the player open so the other player gets a slight advantage. Don't know if it's a feasible idea or not but might be a kind of neat thing for pk if you think about it a little ;)