Board General.old [context]
Sender Rhianna
Date Mon May 20 13:31:57 2013
To all
Subject PK
honestly I have no interest in PK, it take such things personally (being honest here) so I wont do it myself. that said, Khell presented alot of ideas good ones and i'll throw an idea in here but it would require some coding, create zones that are specifically PK, those zones can have items mobs etc, but if you are in those zones you may be pked. The benefits to this? You could put items in those zones that wouldn't be available to others unless they are willing to take the risk of killing the mob and also perhaps someone else discovering they are there and pking them. The zone entry points are just flagged with signs that denote those zones are pk, perhaps to even add to that could be that these zones in the room titles/names they are in a bright or dark red letting people know they are in a pk zone, also these zones could be made so as they can not be entered or exited except having to get back through the entry/exit points of that zone. (ie you can't gate/recall/summon or be summoned out of them) making for higher risk when going after eq or pking in that zone. My two cents like anyone would actually like what I've suggested tho.