Board General.old [context]
Sender Qix
Date Fri Aug 7 18:39:46 2015
To all,rhimy
Subject Re: Win10
I know sometimes when you have a window that you can't find you need to move the window as it's stuck on a side. The best way I know how to do this is the following: Holding down the alt key press and release tab until you have selected ZMud (some ppl don't get this). Release tab and then alt to bring ZMud to the front (focus). Press and hold alt, then the space bar, now release alt and then press the M key (for move) Use the arrow keys to move the window around until you (hopefully) can see it. Another thing to try is alt tab to it, press and hold the windows key and hit the up arrow to maximize it but it sounds like you have some something similar.