Board Bugs.old [context]
Sender Psalter
Date Wed Aug 1 18:26:08 2012
To imm,all
Subject Cube gear - unfair to low damage classes?
So I decide to go gear up with a glad (I'm a templar) so we head to cube to get some awesome gear. We knock off a few mobs with autoloot off so we can decide who gets what. After we kill several I try to wear my new gear (mostly weapons at this point) only to find out none of it is mine. The way it seems to work is that the killer of the mob gains all the gear. Play a low dps class (Templar for example) and you have to have all of your party flee to get gear? Providing your party doesn't flee in all directions, die to other mobs or kill it before they can flee. Please make a change so the looter of the mob is the owner. -Psalter