Board Bugs.old [context]
Sender Pelaquin
Date Fri Dec 13 22:24:05 2013
To all
Subject mob balance
a player will expect any mob named after a class to act as that class, not as another class entirely. eat sanc when fighting the master paladin in mrem he landed all this crap on me. Curse : curse : modifies hit roll by -15 for 27 hours (Lvl 120) modifies saves by 15 for 27 hours (Lvl 118) Disease plague modifies strength by -5 for 26 hours (Lvl 118) Poison poison modifies strength by -30 for 28 hours (Lvl 118) Spell : weaken : modifies strength by -70 for 29 hours (Lvl 118) now any other time this wouldnt bug me as mobs do that. but as i said, if something is named as a class and you know the class itself does not have access to any of these skills or spells you being hit with, something should be done about this. because that fight almost feels like a remort fight really. not to mention this mob only has lvl 90 gear(silver shield at least) and it shouldn't really be fighting like its a remort mob from like r7. pelaquin