Board Roleplay.old [context]
Sender Nemo
Date Mon Oct 28 23:24:37 2013
To all
Subject Kingslayer
No longer a victim of submission or subjugation, Coterie's exodus to opportunity has truly began. With a war facing us on three fronts, Discordia With Coterie already facing a war on three fronts, Discordia has attempted to strong arm us into submission by joining the war against us. What Discordia has not yet learned is that Coterie has already made great progress on the Exodus from {cchaos{x to {wwisdom{x. While you still struggle with {rsubmission{x, and {rsubjugation{x, we have found {wopportunity{x. This particular opportunity has lead to the death of another hero, another Elder. Khellendros this time. Even with a great demonstration of grit, his body eventually gave out while he was ruptured and circled into pieces just a stones throw north of Bastion. Not one, but two mighty leaders have fallen today. Who will be next to bleed out in the streets? {romeN{x