Board General.old [context]
Sender Mircenary
Date Thu Jul 4 13:07:14 2013
To all
Subject Damtypes
Illuminati gun from shadows of the past is lure (charm) Lack disease completely, poison (60), holy (83), and lightning (50, 75) Only freezing guns are at 30 and 92 I think. They do have plenty of fire but cold is a pretty important leveling vuln too. Bows missing: Pretty much everything, go nuts.'s what we got: lvl 13 bow (bash) in vorgath past centaur lvl 18 phonecord bow (bash damage also) lvl 21 bow energy dam, 12dex/str/wis lvl 30 bows in mrem lv 35 compound bow off sentry in kyoto, shock lvl 40 brass bow in PB lv 45 bow of sagitarus (pierce) lvl 50 Bart's trusty slingshot - pierce lvl 50 Raptor Venom (acid/exhaust) lvl 63 bow Arrow Flinger pierce lv 70 dreadwood bow shriek dmg mindnumb lvl 80 exhaust bow in w40k holy lvl 90 Huntress off Artemis pierce anti_neut lvl 90 Elf King bow cold dmg lv 96 lava cannon fire/exhaust (anti evil) lvl 97 bow of cube, pierce dam lvl 98 Shockbow lightning Spears on the other hand, wtf. Go legit nuts. Flails, maces, Polearms and whips all to a lesser degree. Excess amount of Pierce Exotics...which many weapons that are naturally pierce + pierce defeat the purpose of, and plenty of Exotic elements can be added. Same goes with too much slash and bash exotics at the lower/mid levels. Poison and Disease are hard to come across in general. Especially at lower and mid levels. Almost no one can exploit mutant prisoner vuln. Even at higher levels, I don't think there are any poison/disease axes, swords, bows, guns, exotics. There is a dagger for each, though disease one is only 90, and just in general these are hard to find good dual wields. Whips, polearms and obscures. Good place for exotic to jump in. Ideally a sword and/or axe. Daggers are missing Soaking entirely I believe. Maybe bash? Can get more into more specific gaps for leveling certain classes have later. -Lamp