Board Bugs.old [context]
Sender Mircenary
Date Sat May 11 01:01:59 2013
To all
Subject Wizard's and Bunker
I'm approaching 20 runs of Wizard's without seeing a single Scintilating Cloud drop. This is supposedly an even split 1/3 chance drop of the three possible items there. It would be nice to know something isn't bugged before I finish another 20 runs. Bugged, or off with the math. gt {WSanc down! The last time I was in Bunker we fixed a lot of game crashing bugs, but I may have crashed the game for upwards of 20-30mins with another one that hasn't been reproducable. I can and will try to run it again, but this area is time well wasted if I do run into a glitch or copyovers, and would appreciate being able to do it with support available.