Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Merlyn
Date Sat Jul 2 09:06:38 2016
To all
Subject Idears
New skill/ability to spend your action move charging up an attack for accuracy or possibly power, but I think accuracy is most fair 2-4 charges and your next active move should be 100% accurate. Proc checks unaffected. 1-2 charges at least increasing your odds of landing an attack significantly. Possibility to aim disarm, with new available targets being: shield, secondary weapons, held Power level of buffs and debuffs dwindle as the duration does. I think we should increase the rate debuffs lose potency per tick. This way, with enough sleep you can make better use of your curative consumables, and not have to face such awful odds for so long with cures. Keep -power lvl relative to ticks, so that sleeping with high vit for -2 tick chances increases potency of degrading debuff plvls. For an example, my 14 hour blindness just went down one power level by the time it reached 0 hours (117 to 116 plvl) and my giant str went down from plvl 87 to 82 in that same time + 1 tick. Spellup lost 5 plvl...and sleeping off the maledict lost 1??? This should be the other way around. I like the thing with curse and bless as opposing forces I think. Shouldn't be too strong. I believe it's just an extra check like with slowing through haste, weakening through giant str. I'd really like to see an opposing force to blind as well. It can be pretty rough for fighters. Fourths their attack rolls, disables a lot of primary attacks, and there's no good wand/staff for item slot efficiency so you just have to carry a ton of pills/pots. Most of which even with 2-3x cure blind aren't too reliable, and pots carrying some lag. Maybe frenzy can oppose blindness? Seeing red, seeing white, seeing nothing but the image of you harming your foe, etc. Should probably only affect the blindness spell as I feel dirt kick, spit, and gouge are fairly balanced.