Board Bugs.old [context]
Sender Mason
Date Sat Sep 13 12:45:26 2014
To all
Subject Mansion Hardquests
This is a challenging place to be sent for a hardquest. A place I enjoy to be sent really. It's probably at just the right spot of difficulty for a hquest in terms of challenge, length, and a random zone to keep things from getting dull. With many higher lvl mobs in this zone, you get sent there a lot also, and most these quests send you into the tunnel. However, those can't be done if someone is already in there. Whether they're on a quest of their own, running the place, or afking in it for some're stuck. Only one person is allowed into the tunnels at a time, and you'll only find out after paying 500 gold and seeing all the coins haven't repopped still. So checking again in a few minutes means you'll have to waste another 500g or time killing the guard to hopefully find it has been vacated. Needs a check to see if someone is currently in the zone or some other workaround for hard quests there. I'd rather not see these axed from the list just cause of this. So if there's no way around it, people please just be courteous to questers. Get in, get out.