Board Bugs.old [context]
Sender Mason
Date Mon Sep 8 20:56:26 2014
To all
Subject Re: Harm
Harm mechanics are working as intended, yes, but the recent buffs and new ability to add metas to it is why most any player will tell you that's it imbalanced now. It's not expensive, low mana, and has no real counters or obstacles (aside from reflect). Ignores sanc and other mitigations, including saves, so this spell is never getting naturally halved while any other damage type is. It's even competing with hitters since they have to go through fade/dodge/parry/shield block/saves and the attack roll along with other mitigations. Then possible blinds and such which even prevent certain spells from casting whereas harm is not impeded. The spells that can compete with harm in the damage compartment are mostly weather and/or high mana/lag based which is just horribly less convenient. Then you have resistances to damtypes which Harm doesn't care about. If it actually has a damtype, I'm guessing it is Harm, and that pops up on pretty much no race. It's got everything going for it. Other spells may have a bit more burst when a whole slew of conditionals apply, but tacking on metas to these drain your mana very quickly. Since we're talking the big healers here (cler/temp), you can imagine how devastating that is to know they have chewed through your hps effortlessly while still having all the mana in the world to patch themselves back up.