Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Marco
Date Thu Oct 22 14:58:33 2015
To all
Subject RE: Astark's question
1) Zone size does not matter, provided you don't have to spend 4-5+ hours to get through a run 2) I prefer smaller group runs - Wizards creation for example. Reason: Difficult to coordinate a large group of diverse characters (fighter/healer mix) to successfully run equipment. On top of that, you get a piece of primo eq - who gets it? Sometimes we roll dice, sometimes it suits one char better than another. Then if it's a long run (see my comment in #1) - part of the group might not be able to stick around to run again. 3) I like the random gear idea, and I do NOT like class/align specific gear. Some classes are just better for some of the areas than others. 4) I think diversity would be good here. Otherwise you end up with a player with a dozen toons all wearing the same gear because it has the primo stats. Apologies for the discombobulated format. I always get screwed up by the auto word wrap stuff. -Marco