Board Bugs.old [context]
Sender Kyriel
Date Wed Jun 19 06:01:22 2013
To all
Subject npc reading as object
The npc, 'The high priest' with this short desc: (White Aura) [TARGET] The high priest rests here meditating, well he WAS meditating. in this room Chamber of the High Priest in New Thalos was giving me a hunting error reading: You can't hunt objects! I'm not sure if this is working as intended... I typed the following to hunt him... stalk priest stalk high Now when it said I couldn't hunt objects, i decided to switch to 2.priest or 2.high. Both were not there. So I killed the priest, tried to hunt priest again, and there was no longer even 1.priest This means, by my belief... that the npc is bugged. But if it's working as intended and I'm just too much of a noob, plz tell me that too :P.