Board Bugs.old [context]
Sender Kyrep
Date Thu Jan 10 12:22:11 2013
To all,imm
Subject Peg Leg
<487/558hp 330/332mn 231/472mv 993etl Pirate's Lair> l ga Gangrigal is a large disgusting male human. Gangrigal is the quintessence of piratical protocol. Trifold hat, beard, parrot, peg leg, poofy shirt, and a hook for a hand. This man is a living Halloween costume. Gangrigal is in excellent condition. Gangrigal is using: <worn on legs> a peg leg <wielded> a filthy pistol <held> a scrap of paper <464/558hp 332/332mn 240/472mv 933etl Pirate's Lair> wear leg You stop using a tyro's sword. You wield a peg leg. You don't even know which end is up on a peg leg. Is it supposed to be a weapon or leg item?