Board General.old [context]
Sender Kelemvor
Date Fri Dec 12 17:49:01 2014
To all
Subject Armor for Sale
(Dark) A Jetpack (Dark) Fiery Belt (Dark) glass belt (Dark) glass belt (Dark) Lion's Paw (Dark) Power Link (Dark) Spiderwebs (Dark) Diving Fins (Dark) DragonClaws (Dark) A Lion Head (Dark) -=:Wrath:=- (Dark) Nether Bands (Dark) Sash of Pain (Dark) Luminary Aura (Dark) Luminary Cape (Dark) A flesh girdle (Dark) Sacred Greaves (Dark) Sacred Hauberk (Dark) Granite Sandals (Dark) A Pool of Blood (Dark) Stalwart Girdle (Dark) Boots of Despair (Dark) Lemming Fur Suit (Dark) (Humming) Matter (Dark) A spidersilk cap (Dark) (Humming) a vial (Dark) ( Elephant Hide ) (Dark) Nightcrawler Skin (Dark) An Old Dusty Cape (Dark) Stalwart Chausses (Dark) Ethereal Wristlets (Dark) Gust of Black Wind (Dark) (Humming) a parrot (Dark) oOo Scuba Gear oOo (Dark) Snapper Skin Shoes (Dark) Halo of Protection (Dark) A Bullet Proof Vest (Dark) A Ring Of Divergence (Dark) Pair of Crystal Boots (Dark) A [[Plastic Lunchbox]] (Dark) Prototype B Arm Guards (Dark) The ring of everything! (Dark) A heavily armored helmet (Dark) *Names Of The Faithless* (Dark) (Humming) Simple Plywood (Dark) (Humming) <) Demon Fur (> (Dark) *_ Scintillating Cloud _* (Dark) Bracers of the living dead (Dark) The Brutal Stench Of Death (Dark) (Humming) Pocket Protector (Dark) A Magnetic Repulsion Module (Dark) (Humming) Filthy Green Stuff (Dark) (Humming) some leather boots (Dark) (Humming) some safety goggles (Dark) (Humming) An Anti-matter Globe (Dark) (Humming) Sash of Preservation (Dark) (Humming) [|] Shinra Ultra [|] (Dark) .>ThE^aNcIeNt^WrAtH^oF^NoCtAi<. (Dark) //\ A Braided Ethernet Cable /\\ (Dark) _=|An Illuminati Mind Protector|=_ (Dark) *+*Kardiaks+Divine+Intervention*+* (Dark) (Humming) --== The Genji Glove ==-- (Dark) _/-v-=Wings#Of@The@Dark#Angel=-v-\_ (Dark) (Humming) --== The Champion Belt ==-- (Dark) (Humming) ^'-._ An Emerald Hoop _.-'^ (Dark) (Humming) -->)) Large Forcefield ((<-- (Dark) custom made transparent armored leggings (Dark) Joe Bob's Ultra Deluxe Model Toupee (tm) (Dark) (Humming) the myth of the worm of G'harne Contact an Arkanian for sale.