Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Imabot
Date Tue Mar 24 20:09:54 2015
To all
Subject Caster Leveling Mobs
yatta Right now every leveling mob is essentially a fighter. You outlast and/or outdamage it, rinse and repeat. It'd be cool to promote usage of your utility skills and spells through leveling too so you actually have to react and address things as they come rather than just maximize efficiency and stay alive. I enjoy that a lot, but probably have more fun from time to time on a caster that needs to address their hps, their dmg output, their summons, everyone's buffs, their mana, everyone's moves. Just a lot of stuff going on than pretty much 'action dps'. yatta The concept of caster mobs is that they won't do that much damage themselves, but without utility and addressing what they have to throw at can get ugly. Maledicts piling up, stacking, dispels against that sanc you got from your lvl 99 buddy without any backup plans, energy drains (at the higher lvls!) for a few more unpleasant curve balls. Maybe longer fights, less like mobbles, and getting more use out of stuff like puncture, maledicts of your own, etc. Obviously we went toward a mobble route after time to get away from longer fights, but I don't think that will be bad if they're a lot more interactive. Plus, just the option to level differently than you have been for the past hour, day, half a dozen remorts...