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Sender Evanek
Date Fri Mar 11 12:54:49 2016
To all
Subject Duiker's Journal
Once more I found myself in the Archives looking through books. This, however, was no idle search. I had read something most amazing, a page of Duiker's journal that wasn't in any of the formal collections. I endeavored to find more of these pages, and last night, near dawn really, I did: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was some years after the Breaking and I was working with Ranald on his little village. I thought his idea of naming it "Bastion" silly, seeing as it was just a couple of sticks in the mud to protect against barbarians. Ranalad always did have delusions of grandeur, but his heart was in the right place. We had just finished laying a stone in the center of the village, and scaffolding had gone up for a building there. Ranald invited me to dinner, but I wasn't hungry. I went to my home to sleep. Later that night I heard a creaking through the floorboards of my residence, and got up. There, pacing back and forth was Rimbol, who I hadn't seen since that breaking. He was muttering to himself, but when he looked up and saw me, a wide smile came across his face. I hated that smile. "Where have you been?" I asked. "Duiker, do you remember several years ago? We were talking about what the Warlord's ritual was really about," he responded. I did remember, but I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of a straightforward response. Instead I offered him a drink. What he said next stunned me to my very core. "No." I never did see Ranald again. Shame about that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again I am left with more questions than answers. I will continue to look for more pages.