Board General.old [context]
Sender Darnab
Date Sun Mar 31 00:14:23 2013
To all
Subject New changes
Ok so I am a little limited on my Tunnel Running experience but it seems like the run is significantly harder than before the changes. Basically I got to about the last couple of Nightmares ... and they were doing between 600 and 800 points of damage per round of combat average through sanc. I was hitting about 1 attack in 15 or 20 ... there were many rounds I did not hit them at all. It was rough and hard before butt I remember that even the last few mobs I could hang in there for more than 8 combat rounds - with healing - which seems the norm. Basically my strategy at this point would be to get every + hp item I coould find and use immol or icy or spark and let my aura do all the damage. I mean I got to the point where I used the bow cause strafe gave me a couple of extra attacks and one might hit. Anyways ... if someone else has more experience running this can they take a go at it and see if the back end is harder than what they remember? This run was bad/tough etc ... now I am not sure the last mob is even possible as the damage seems so high. Triple d