Board Roleplay.old [context]
Sender Darnab
Date Thu Mar 7 00:52:04 2013
To all
Subject Assistance
The canyon was parched, as usual. Like it bothered me. The worms keep their distance as they have learned over the years that I am not food, and the cost is high. The cave is halfway up, beckoning. I have been here before but that means little as the demon constantly respawns. A strange immortality to say the least. Descending into the darkness my torchlight flickers across the gold strewn all over the floor. Dragons are so messy, but dragons are not why I am here. The floor gives way and my fly spell catches me, slowly lowering me into the darkness below. The darkness is only temporary though as it begins to form. Wisps of smoke curl from the floor and a corporeal thing slowly forms. It is disappointed that I did not fall to become easy prey to its claws. INTRUDER must die! The words scream through my skull. I have heard them before. My laughter catches it offguard. Golden light shines everywhere from its demonic form. I unhitch my axes as its claws unfurl. We both know this dance as we have danced it many times. Blood and smoke. There is no flesh from either of us as the battle rages across the floor of the cave. Pain sinks into my ribs as a set of claws slips by my guard and I stagger. A smile crosses its face, nay a grin, as it presses its attack. Ranger you are weak, you should not have come. You are mine. A last thought as my axe finds a soft spot in the neck. Foolish thing. The smoke from its existence drifts to the ceiling as I collect the golden armor from the floor where the demon once stood. I am sure Zeipher, my clan brother will appreciate the gift. From the Diary of a Dangerous Ranger Triple D