Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Darnab
Date Wed Jan 23 18:39:17 2013
To all
Subject Good Alignment
Can we do somethign to make it a bit easier to maintain a good alignment? It seems that unless you specialise on very specific mobs your alignment goes down. Almost every Quest CID sends you on is likely a good aligned mob ... which I don't understand .. I mean if they are murderers ... ? But I go to slums and kill thieves ... my align goes down ... (thieves are neutral there). And that is just one of many examples that does not make sense. Also ... if I kill evil things outside my range it does not help my align but if I kill neutral and good things outside my lkevel range I still get penalized. I think we need it to be a little more balanced. It should be somewhat difficult to maintain a good align ... but not next to impossible. Triple D