Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Darnab
Date Mon Sep 10 18:09:04 2012
To all
Subject transparent Equipment part 2.
I agree with your assessment Astark. I was not presuming that there would not be a sacrifice to the piece of equipment. At 2500 qps it would be a major investment to make a piece of equipment transparent which I did not think was excessive for what you are getting. But there could be a cost and you may want to limit it to certain items. For example the Siva Bracers and Bughouse suit or whatever you might decide is worthwhile. The additional cost would be some of its power. So you are converting magical energies from one type to another. So maybe the Siva bracers go from +120 +5 +5 to +60 +2 +2 and transparent. The real sarifice is when you remort and are using those at a lower level. Anyways ... I am sure Psalter disagrees with the cost but if you want to create a char that is all powerful you had better be willing to invest the time.