Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Damad
Date Tue Feb 13 18:30:50 2018
To all
Subject A4 suggestion
Here's a pitch for a4 that adds an interesting personalization opportunity on a character with a pretty substantial trade-off so as not to be too imbalanced: Let people buy non-racial/non-subclass specific skills using mastery points. Look up any skill and pay the equivalent price for the race in which it is most expensive. For example, let's say I want assassination. It's 19 trains for a thief, so I would have to cough up 19 MA points to get it. Which I wouldn't. BUT I COULD! The tricky things would be determining maximum skill %, what to do when skills are then dropped, and scrutinizing cost-structure on skills, particularly spells. As in, for the 19 MA point cost of assassination I could get: Astarks rejuvenation (8) Dispel magic (7) Rupture (4) Which would be swell, even if it cost me all the time, QPs, gold, and MA points attained getting through a4, PLUS Sophie's Choicing 9 MA points I've already spent elsewhere.