Board Roleplay.old [context]
Sender Chad
Date Tue Feb 19 20:50:15 2013
To sehkma,q,all
Subject A Declaration of Supremacy
There are only {DChildren{x of our great {rGoddess{x and outsiders. Already an outsider has fallen, the odious {yOdoth{x of {RQ{x. Already our warriors, the {DChildren{x of {rDiscord{x, have chased the {gCult{x into the shadow. We welcome the {RTricksters{x to this fight, and already our {rGoddess{x has brought us some small measure victory against them. We despise the {gCult{x and their craven ways, already having been betrayed with cowardice we see it compound in this so far bloodless war. Our {rGoddess{x demands victory. Her {Wagents{x of {Cchaos{x will provide it.