Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Cecil
Date Tue Jan 3 10:25:02 2012
To all
Subject re ranglor
Sleeping at the Fireplace (200% regen rate) with no haste, I healed to max in like 7-8 minutes. Sleeping with no haste at a non-bonus location I healed 5k hp in 5 minutes. The point still remains that if you're stuck in a norecall zone, or you're out of moves, or you're a newbie, or you're in a zone with harsh terrain like underwater/desert, it will take forever to regenerate enough hp/mana/move to get out of there. Plenty of low level recall zones as well: Sands of Sorrow, Siva's Lament, Guardian Citadel, Neverwhere, parts of Holy Grail.. and possibly 1-2 others I'm forgetting.